This intricate riddle will blow your mind – can you find the answer?

Pierre Van ZylMove, Personal Growth + Development



Intricate riddles, puzzles, brainteasers, and other games that challenge your critical thinking skills are more helpful than you think. Games that are meant to make you think outside of the box help keep you stimulated and are actually good for brain health. Just by doing simple quizzes on yourself, your brain reinforces connections between brain cells. This can help improve your mental speed and is an especially effective way to improve short-term memory. 

Of course, day to day life presents it’s own challenges, and can make it hard to find time for puzzles or intricate riddles. It’s completely understandable if you are busy! However, if you have a moment to spare, you should take the time to see if you can solve this intricate riddle.

Read: How Fast Can You Find The Odd Turtle In This Picture?

What Is The Intricate Riddle?

An elderly couple went on a picnic. They have 5 sons, and each son has 3 children. In total, how many people went for a picnic?

Try to think about how the riddle is phrased. It’s all about the context. Do you think you know the answer?

The Answer To The Riddle

The answer may seem obvious to some, however, the answer might not be what you expect. Some people might have answered with 22. Of course, five sons that have three children each adds up to 20 people then adding the elderly couple making the answer 22. Unfortunately, this is the wrong answer to the intricate riddle.

The actual answer to the riddle might make you feel a little silly. There are only two people that went on a picnic: the elderly couple. The reason why is because the riddle never said that the sons or children went on the picnic with them. The answer is in the first sentence of this intricate riddle.

Don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t get it right the first time, this just means you can practice with more brain teasers! Maybe you want a different intricate riddle to wrap your brain around.

Read: Most people fail – but can you find the dog in this picture?

Looking For More Puzzles?

Perhaps you need a puzzle that isn’t an intricate riddle. Maybe you’re more of a visual learner or maybe you love to solve math problems. Luckily, this isn’t the only headscratcher of a game that we have for you to choose from.

If you try this optical brain test game, you’ll have to be able to spot the odd shapes out of all the other matching ones. This kind of game tests your coordination and how fast you are able to process images on a large scale. You’ll have only 30 seconds to complete the test, finding the singular odd shapes in all 8 images.

If you need something more challenging than an intricate riddle, then you might want to try this intense math problem. Very few people are able to solve this equation without using a calculator and it really puts your math problem-solving skills to good use. Many are very hesitant to solve math problems simply because they are known to give you a headache. This is a good thing! This means that your brain is processing and thinking critically about the answer to the problem. You’re essentially giving your brain a big workout that makes it big and strong the more problems you solve.

Keep reading: How Quickly Can You Spot The Odd Number Out? Not Many Can Do It Under 5 Seconds!

The post This intricate riddle will blow your mind – can you find the answer? appeared first on The Hearty Soul.