I recently attended a virtual conference and one of the sessions centered on wellbeing during the pandemic. The session organizers had participants engage by contributing to word clouds.
In one word, describe how you felt during the pandemic? Not surprisingly, the words that grew largest were anxiety, stress, isolated, uncertainty.
The next prompt was, In one word, what is the way that you coped? For me, hard to capture in one word but I think it was a combination of the words I saw populating the screen: family, colleagues (leaned on each other), exercise. On that last one, I’ve completely fallen in love with yoga over this past year and the wonders it has done for my body and mind. Especially on days when my almost-16-yo daughter joins me and we do it together. This is the best bonding. It’s almost spiritual sometimes, and at others, it devolves into laughter when one of us falls or does yoga very wrong.
The last word cloud prompt was, In one word, what are you most hopeful for this coming year?
Just looking at these words in this image makes my heart rate and breathing slow. I can’t wait to travel with my family again and explore a new country. Reconnecting. Being with people. I miss hugs. (Who said netflix?). I’m feeling hope again – a clearing, a light, better days with more joy and more of all of this.