Last Week’s Workouts

AngelaFitness, Running, running friends, Strength training for runners, workotus, Workouts


Last week's workouts |

Last week’s workouts were all about running with friends, having fun and testing the PF (plantar fasciitis) waters .


Rest day

It was our last day of camping and I briefly had a thought of running later in the day after we got home.  But then I got caught up in putting all the gear away, doing 5,000 loads of laundry, going to the grocery store and getting everything ready for the week ahead. And did I mention it was 100 degrees with the same ridiculous humidity?  That brief thought of a run quickly evaporated when I found myself sweating while doing nothing.


3 mile run and strength training

I had a very short window to squeeze in a run and a strength sess. I opted for my second favorite F word – Fartlek – for the run portion.

After an easy warm up run and dynamic warm up, I ran 1 minute pick ups followed by 4 minutes easy running for 2 miles.  I finished the run with an easy pace for 5 minutes.Last week's workouts |

And then I couldn’t stop sweating for a solid 3 hours because it was a million degrees and all humidity. Ugh.

Back yard quick strength training circuit

15-20 reps, 3 rounds

Squat to alternating reverse lunge

Bench hop overs

Alternating KB snatch

Burpee to step jump

Alternating step ups

Burpee to renegade row


5 mile run

My friend Kevin and I met up for some easy miles. He’s on the other side of PF so we commiserated on the horribleness of it all.  Because I was talking about it, my PF was angry with me later in the day. I don’t think it liked me running 2 days in a row (something I haven’t done since the PF flare up).

I spent the morning trying to find ways to not step on my heel while walking around at work.  When not doing that, I was stretching my calf like it was my job…which it kind of is since I spent a lot of time stretching with my patients.  Lol!

Thankfully by the afternoon, things had calm down and the pain was gone.

Last week's workouts |


30 minutes Elliptical

Strength training:

Rope squat row to reverse lunge

Overhead rope tricep ext

Eccentric pull ups

Pull up shrugs

Renegade KB rows

Goblet squats

Single leg deadlift

Single leg squats

Plank matrix


5 mile run

The day the humidity finally went away!  Kyle and I enjoyed 5 easy miles thanks to 60 degrees and little humidity. I was still drenched in sweat but it wasn’t oppressive like it’s been.

Last week's workouts |

But it’s still darker than ever. Boooo!


30 minute speed walk, strength training

Ron, Cooper and I walked while trying to keep up with the kids on their bikes.  Later I did a quick strength training session focusing on hips and core.


8 mile run

I’m so stoked to have my long time running buddy living in the same town as me now!  Hopefully that means we’ll have more run dates in the future. If you’ve been reading HFM for awhile, you know that Kailey was my “cadet” when we ran the Honolulu Marathon in 2014 (I can’t believe it was that long ago!).

Kailey had a workout for her run so I said I’d tag along for as much as I can. I ran 1 mile before meeting her. Then we did 3 miles easy, 10 minutes comfortably hard, 5 minutes easy, 10 minutes comfortably hard, followed with easy cool down miles.

I got my longest run in over 2 months.  My PF feels good so I’m taking a sign that things are going in the right direction. Yay!

Last week's workouts |

You may have noticed that I’ve been slacking in the yoga department.  The craziness of end of summer/back to school has prevented me from getting there but I’ll be back at it this week.  I miss it so!

You can never have too many runs with friends #lastweeksworkouts #running
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How was your week in workouts?

Linking up with Hoho and Wendy for the weekly workout wrap up.

The post Last Week’s Workouts appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.