Last week’s workouts saw another step in returning to running post PF. I was able to bump up my mileage and run back to back days. Way back in early September I was hoping to run a race over the weekend but with both kids having sports at the same time on Sunday, it wasn’t possible. That’s ok. There’s other races that I have my eye on this fall. I’m excited to see what’s to come!
20 minutes Arc Trainer, 10 minutes Stepmill
Strength training:
DB bench press
Cable flys
Cable bicep curls
DB pullovers
DB rows
TRX tricep ext
TRX single leg squats
Hip thrusters
Single leg squats off bench
Lunge matrix with KB clean
TRX mountain climbers
TRX oblique climbers
Morning Flow Yoga @ Bending Bodhi
5.1 mile run, 8:50 avg/pace, 251 ft elev gain
Progression run, 9:15, 9:03, 8:45, 8:21, 8:54
I was short on time so I tried to drop the pace 15-20 seconds each mile and used the last mile as a cool down.
30 minutes Elliptical
Strength training:
Bench press
Rope tricep ext
Rope bicep curl
Lat pull down
Single arm cable row
Squat press
Single leg squats
Single leg step ups
Single leg deadlift
Banded bridge
Med ball toss
Plank matrix
Morning Flow Yoga @ Bending Bodhi
5.7 mile run, 9:05 avg/pace, 398 ft elev gain
I met up with Kailey and Kyle for easy miles in the morning. It was great to introduce two of my BRF’s. Hopefully we can get more miles in together. Because we are stronger together, right?
Rest day!
10 mile run, 9:00 avg/pace, 447 ft elev gain
I was kind of shocked at how warm it was this morning. Temps were near 70 degrees but zero humidity. It was quite breezy as Kyle and I started off with a headwind that had took our breath away at times. Kyle let me choose the run so of course I picked a hilly route. I did give her the option of hills at the beginning or the end. She chose beginning so it was smooth sailing after the half way mark.
The things I ask my running buddies to do post run. #sorry
My heel felt great during the run but afterwards it was tight. I stretched a bit before heading out the door to meet friends for apple picking. I will admit that I had planned on doing more rolling and stretching once we got back home but I took a nap instead. I was tired!
4 mile recovery run
I woke up to 45 degrees! It’s crazy what a difference in temperature. I pulled out long sleeves and gloves but couldn’t say good bye to shorts just yet. If it’s below 40, then maybe I’ll put capris on. And that’s a big maybe. My legs like to breathe!
I kept the pace easy and light to celebrate another successful week in running.
Recapping a successful week of #workouts and #running after dealing with #plantarfasciitis for most…
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Linking up with Hoho and Wendy for the weekly workout wrap up.
How was your week in workouts?
The post Last Week’s Workouts appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.