It’s another edition of Just Run, where each month a group of my running blogger friends gather with their tips, tricks and thoughts on all things running.
In case you missed the previous editions:
5 Things I’d Hate to Run Without
Running Solo vs Running With a Group
The Best Post Run Recovery Tips
This month we are chatting about running mojo.
The weather is cold. It’s dark all the time. You are in the off season. There’s a million and one things to get done for the holidays. This time of year, running mojo can run low. Actually, it can happen any time of year but this time of year is when things tend to dip more.
You’ve lost your running mojo.
Believe me. I’ve been there.
Most days, I’m ready to run no matter what season. I know something is up when I don’t have that urge to run. Most likely I need some time off to do other things.
Never fear. Your running mojo is not lost for ever.
Here’s how to find your running mojo once again.
Read up on running magazines
When the latest Women’s Running, Runner’s World, and Trail Runner magazine arrive in my mailbox, I read it cover to cover and always feel amped up about running afterwards. It’s like a mini kick in the pants to step it up!
Run with friends
Knowing that there are others waiting for you will motivate you to roll out of bed no matter what the weather is. During the winter, I totally rely on running buddies for motivation, especially for long runs. Misery LOVES company. When single digit temperatures (not counting the windchill) and a double digit run are staring at you, having company makes a HUGE difference in getting it done.
Watch running movies
Over the weekend, I watched the Ironman World Championships on TV. Even though I knew the outcome since it happened last month, the stories behind the athletes are so inspiring. I have absolutely zero interest in doing a Tri but watching those athletes made me want to train hard for a big goal.
Other favorite films include anything from Billy Yang, The Spirit of the Marathon, and McFarland USA. Search YouTube for running films and you’ll find an endless supply of motivation. I have a weakness for Ultra Running films. Lol!
Check out social media
Scrolling through my favorite runners on Instagram always gives me a jolt of motivation to get out there and run.
Try something new
Rather than making the main focus running, try something new to compliment it. Maybe try bootcamp, Spinning, Orangetheory (although that’s not an option for me since they don’t want me to EVER try it – hahaha!), or give Crossfit a try. Or focus on trying to get your first pull up (something I’m always trying to achieve!)
Give cross training a try to refresh your love of running.
Use Small Goals to Get to Big Goals
January and February are the important building blocks of training if you want to race well in March and April. Find a tune up 5k or 5 miler race to gauge how your progressing towards your big goal.
Find a race to train for
Having a race on the calendar may be the motivation you need to get off the couch. Pick a new to you race, a new distance or maybe focus on something like running a faster 5k.
Remember that running is not something you HAVE to do
When I start saying that I HAVE to run, then it becomes a chore. Running shouldn’t be like that. I’m lucky that I can run. Remember why you run and why you love it so much.
Accept it and move on
Bad runs and lack of mojo happen to every runner. Rather than stewing about it and nit picking every single thing, accept it and move on. Anyways, a good week of running always follows a bad week. Right? At least that’s the story runners tell themselves.
Want to see what my blogger friends have to say about running mojo? Check it out below and be sure to click on the image or their name to get the details.
Is your running mojo gone? Here’s how to find it from the #JustRun bloggers! #runchat
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Linking up with Coaches Corner and Wild Workout Wednesday.
What do you do when you lose your running mojo?
The post How to Find Your Running Mojo {Just Run} appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.