Goals for 2019

AngelaGoals, New Year Goals, Running, Running goals

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Goals for 2019 | happyfitmama.com

Every year I like to share my running goals.  We are 10 days in and I’m kind of sick of hearing about goals, word of the year, intentions, resolutions, etc.

BUT…I’m still putting my goals out for all to see.

You know why?  Because if I put it on paper…er…the internet, it’s more likely to happen.

So here goes.

Over the past few years, I’ve chosen a word to shape my year.  This year, when trying to think of something, one word kept coming up.


There’s no doubt I love running but I think I’ve let myself get weighed down by the thoughts of injuries and not being the same runner I was a few years ago.  Rather than focusing on chasing PR’s and crushing workouts, I want to enjoy where I am right now.  I don’t want to be worrying if I’ll be injured in 4 months.  I don’t want to worry that I won’t be faster in 5 months.

I want to enjoy the fact that I’m running.

I still plan on training, I just don’t want to feel like I have to be crush PR’s to find joy.

Looking back over my goals for 2018, I’m quite happy to see that I accomplished most of them.

Continue to gradually increase my running time. No mileage goals. – DONE!

I enjoyed running what I want without the pressure of getting xxxx mileage.  That being said, my year total was around 1200.  Not too back considering I reduced my mileage by quite a bit in August/early September and in December for Achilles stuff.

Continue to introduce specific running workouts  – hill repeats, speed, tempo, etc – slowly back into my routine. – DONE!

Goals for 2019 | happyfitmama.com

In the spring/summer, I brought back hill repeats thanks to the mountain races on my calendar.  I’m one of those oddities who loves hill repeats and my strange love paid off.  I’ve never felt stronger on hills during that time.  Over the fall, I’ve slacked off on the repeats and I can feel the difference.

Continue to strength train 2-3x/week. Don’t slack on PT exercises! – DONE!

Throughout the year I hit the gym for strength training 2-3x/week.  I’m feeling stronger than I’ve felt in years.

Be able to do an un-assisted pull up (and not tweak my neck again!) – INCOMPLETE

I kind of fell off the pull up bandwagon but found my steam at the end of the year once again.

Goals for 2019 | happyfitmama.com

Mount Washington Road Race (depending on if I get in through the lottery again this year) – INCOMPLETE

I didn’t make it in through the lottery.  Boo!

Cranmore Mountain Race –  DONE!

This was my first time doing Cranmore and it wrecked me!  The downhill (x2) shredded my quads more than any marathon has ever done.  But I had a BLAST!

Loon Mountain Race – DONE!

My second year of Loon Mountain was better than ever.  I felt strong for the duration and came out with a major PR.

Goals for 2019 | happyfitmama.com

2019 Goals

Do an un-assisted pull up – I’m so close!  I think I’ll get there within the next month or so.  I need to use my pull up bar at home more often.

Mount Washington Road Race – I missed it so much last year.  This goal is all dependent on the lottery.  Hopefully the odds are in my favor.

Loon Mountain Race – I knocked 11 minutes off my time from 2017.  This year I want to see a finishing time with a 1:2x in it.

First 50k! – I haven’t decided on which yet but I really, really want to do the Grand Island 50k.  We may be heading to Michigan at that time so it’s all dependent if I can get the timing just right.  If not that one, I’ll find another closer to home.  I’ve wanted to do a 50k for a few years and I feel like 2019 is the year it needs to happen.  Stay tuned!

Goals for 2019 | happyfitmama.com

Of course, I’m sure I’ll find other things along the way to work on.  I’m toying around with maybe doing a snowshoe race or two (that is if we get enough snow).  I also hope to do more local trail races.

The biggest goal I have is to have fun.  I love running and I want to have fun while I’m doing it.  The moment I start to complain about “having” to run is the moment I need to find a new love.

Here’s to an ENJOYable 2019!

Keeping the JOY alive in running for 2019. #goals #runchat
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Linking up with Coaches Corner.

What goals do you have for the year?

The post Goals for 2019 appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.