Researchers: People With Blood Type A May Be More Vulnerable To Coronavirus

Pierre Van ZylCovid19, News + Discoveries


Researchers in China, directed by Wang Xinghuan at the Zhongnan Hospital at Wuhan University, have claimed that patients with blood type A may be more susceptible to COVID-19, than other blood types. [1] To reach this conclusion, researchers examined the blood type groupings of over 2,000 individuals who tested positive for coronavirus. Based on their study, researchers found that those with blood type A were more vulnerable to infection and experienced worse symptoms than those with other blood types.

Blood type O appeared to have a significantly lower risk of contracting the infection.

According to the study, 86 out of 206 patients who died of coronavirus in Wuhan, China had type A blood. This was 63% higher than individuals with type O blood. The study found a similar pattern across age and gender groups as well. Researchers note that more studies are needed to confirm this link.

At the time of this writing, the study is a “pre-print,” which means that it has not yet been reviewed and vetted by other scientists to verify accuracy and method. In short, we don’t yet know if this research will stand up to scientific scrutiny, allowing it to be published in a reputable journal of science. Peer reviewing will help uncover and correct potential errors in the science and analysis. While this study is not peer-reviewed, the researchers involved believe that their findings could be greatly helpful and are urging governments and health officials alike to consider patient blood type when providing treatment for the virus and planning containment protocols.

While they encourage their findings to be taken seriously, they also encourage that those with type A blood not panic and those with type O blood to let their guard down.

“If you are type A, there is no need to panic. It does not mean you will be infected 100 percent,” Gao Yingdai, one of the study’s researchers, told the South China Morning Post. “If you are type O, it does not mean you are absolutely safe, either. You still need to wash your hands and follow the guidelines issued by authorities.”

In short, type A shouldn’t panic and type O shouldn’t ease their precautions. Everyone needs to be involved in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Here’s what you can do to keep yourself, and those around you, healthy.

Read: 20 Coronavirus Myths Busted

Wash your hands and avoid touching your face

Washing your hands with soap and warm water and avoiding touching your face are important steps in preventing infection and the spread of COVID-19. The virus is able to survive on surfaces for days. [2] If you touch a surface where the virus is present then touch your face, you can give the virus a chance to infect you. Especially if you are out and about, but even if you’re self-isolated, wash hands frequently.

To properly wash your hands, lather your hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds – about the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice. Be sure to wash the backs of your hands, in between your fingers, under your nails (by “scratching” at the palm of your opposite hand), as well as your wrists and forearms. Using hand sanitizer is good in a pinch if soap and water aren’t immediately available, but hand sanitizers aren’t a complete replacement for soap and water.

Related: He Had 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and Nowhere to Sell Them

Socially distance yourself

Coronavirus spreads easily when larger groups of people gather together. This is one key reason why most major public events around the world have been canceled for the foreseeable future. While this is an important action to take to stymie the spread of the virus, all of us can help slow the spread by socially distancing ourselves.

Social distancing is the deliberate act of increasing the space between you and others in order to avoid spreading COVID-19. The general recommendation is to place six feet of space between you and others and reducing the time spent with the general public. [3] Simply staying home can mean the difference between life and death for others.

Equally important is working from home if possible and if you’re feeling at all sick, staying home.

Disinfect commonly used surfaces

The CDC recommends disinfecting commonly used surfaces in order to reduce the person-to-person spread of COVID-19. [4] Use gloves when disinfecting surfaces if possible. If the surface is dirty, clean using soap before disinfecting. Alcohol solutions that are at least 70% alcohol are considered effective. Diluted household bleach is also effective. You can prepare diluted bleach by adding 1/3 cup of bleach per gallon of water, or 4 teaspoons for a quart of water.

In order to disinfect softer items, like towels, clothing, and bedding, launder them as you normally would. Wash on the warmest appropriate setting for the items you’re laundering and be sure to completely dry them before use.

Related: Can’t Find Any Hand Sanitizer? Here’s How To Make Your Own

Obey all official directives

Finally, if your regional government has issued any kind of directive, obey it. Don’t try to circumvent quarantines or shelter-in-place orders. These orders are put into place to protect you and the public health at large. Some nations are imposing fines and jail time for ignoring them.

Keep Reading: Opinion: Are You Young and unafraid of the coronavirus? Great, Now stop killing people.


The post Researchers: People With Blood Type A May Be More Vulnerable To Coronavirus appeared first on The Hearty Soul.