Lately…It appears that maybe spring is here. I did my first run of the season in a tank and shorts yesterday. When I was getting dressed for the run, I realized that I have 2 short sleeve workout shirts (besides race t-shirts). I never think to buy short sleeves. I go straight from long sleeves to tanks. Does anyone else do that?
Lately…I’m in need of a new lip balm to wear when I’m running, hiking, biking or outside. Can anyone recommend a great lip balm with SPF? More specifically one that doesn’t taste like I’m eating chemicals and doesn’t need to be reapplied every 5 minutes?
Lately…I’m still goal-less. I was wavering about running the New England Mountain Series. The big draw back was that most of the races are far away, like 3 hours away. I’d have to do 6 of the 8 to get an automatic entry into Mount Washington next year. That was my whole point in doing the series. Since I hemmed and hawed too much, the decision was made for me. The first race sold out a few days before I decided to do it. That kind of sealed the deal. Weekends are already crazy with kid sports. Adding in 6 hours of travel time for a race (that is relatively short), doesn’t seem worth it to me.
Lately…there is a chance that I might do THIS race. We potentially will be in Michigan at that time. The race has been on my radar for years so maybe this is the year. If I do it, it’ll most likely be the marathon. But we’ll see what happens in the next month. Why does a trail marathon sound appealing to me but a road marathon is a definite NO right now? Hahaha!
Lately…I’m still scared to train for anything. I think that’s why I can’t pick one race to go after. Running is going very well but I still have fears that I’m not over that hump yet in the injury comeback. For instance, after Sunday’s 12 mile trail run, my toes, feet and ankles were feeling pretty sore. Not hurt, just fatigued from running muddy trails. But if you could have heard the thoughts in my head…did I sprain my ankle again?…it feels tight. It doesn’t feel good to push on that…is it a stress fracture? When stuff like that pops up, I question everything and fear slams on the breaks of any progress I had made.
Lately…I’ve been loving how light it is in the morning. I was at the gym on Monday morning and was shocked to see shadows from the sun. It didn’t do that last week! Crazy how much daylight we are gaining each day. I LOVE IT!
Lately…I’ve been reading actual physical books! Amazing, right? Years ago, I picked up Jay Dicharry’s first book, Anatomy for Runners (affiliate link), and got some great injury prevention ideas. His newer book, Running Rewired, (affiliate link) is even better with more exercises and workouts for stability, strength and speed. I’ve been incorporating a lot of the exercises and have noticed a difference. I highly recommend it to any runner.
The other book I’m reading is North by Scott and Jenny Jurek. I’ve been of fan of his for years since we are practically related anyway (see THIS post if you are wondering what I’m talking about). When he broke the speed record for the Appalachian Trail in 2015, I followed along with his journey on social media. It was amazing to see his transformation along the grueling trail and to now read all the behind the scenes info. Another highly recommend book to read for inspiration.
Catch up on what I’ve been up to lately. #running
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