Behind The Scenes of a Street-Style Shoot – BLOOPER ALERT!

Pierre Van ZylBlogging + Social Media, fashion, real talk, street style


Oh HEY. This is me. Looking all cool, calm and collected. But I know you don’t want to see that, right?

Scroll through your Insta and there’s a thousand others waiting for you in your feed, probably with fabulous designers tagged and perhaps a watch endorsement or two. You’ve got heaps of that, and that’s not what I’m about. After sharing a few VERY authentic posts about the personal side of my life and career, I know your craving REAL stuff.

Why? Why is it that we all want to hear the gritty, not-so-polished reality? I’ve been thinking back on this for the last week or so after my Orthorexia post went viral. The conclusion I came to is this: We all want to see or hear from someone who is ACTUALLY RELATABLE. Sure, there’s totally room in your feed for all the glam, and hot bodies, and expensive shoes. But how many of the people you follow are keeping it super real? Sharing their life with you like they’re chatting with a best friend? I bet I can count that number on one hand.

I’m not a model, trained photographer, chef, qualified nutritionist (yet) or PT, but what I CAN share with you is a dose of real, so you can sit on your couch and say ‘yeah Sal, ME TOO!’ or at the very least have a giggle at my expense on how open I am about my reality (which I love, btw).

So here comes another cracking share. A very special (and probably fairly hilarious) look behind the scenes of a Street-Style shoot, with the juicy unedited images of my photoshoot yesterday – along with some incredibly cringe-worthy bloopers. Heaps of them. The reality is, it takes at least 20 shots to get one decent one that we’re willing to share with the world. Are you ready to see the embarrassing crap I didn’t want you to see?! It’s sure to make you smile.


__________ 📷 Epic snaps from Sasha Leong @livewithoutlabels __________

Behind The Scenes of a Street-Style Shoot

Behind The Scenes of a Street-Style Shoot - The Fit Foodie

Behind The Scenes of a Street-Style Shoot - The Fit Foodie

Behind The Scenes of a Street-Style Shoot - The Fit Foodie

Behind The Scenes of a Street-Style Shoot - The Fit Foodie

Behind The Scenes of a Street-Style Shoot - The Fit Foodie

Anyone care for a thousand mosquito bites on those tanned legs?

Behind The Scenes of a Street-Style Shoot - The Fit Foodie

Hope you loved that dose of reality Fitties.

the fit foodie




Follow me: @thefitfoodieblog


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