Can You Spot the Snake In This Photo?

Pierre Van ZylMove, Personal Growth + Development


find the snake

Animals just love to hide right where – technically – we can see them. Snakes are some of the best at this. Can you spot the snake in this photo?

Spot the Snake in this Photo

A student completing her P.H.d. studying various venomous snakes posted a photo to her twitter recently asking her followers to look for the subject of the picture. If you can spot the snake in this one, then you must have a pretty great pair of eyes.

Struggling? Don’t worry – most of her followers did, too. Many of them thought that the snake was hiding in the bottom left corner of the photo. Unfortuntely, that “serpent” turned out to just be a stick.

No, this snake truly is hidden right in plain sight.

The Answer

If you are fed up and just want to know where it is, Twitter user Cesar Luciano has got you covered.

Moments like these are what the facepalm emoji are made for!

More Seek-And-Find Photos

Now that you’re thoroughly frustrated with finding the snake, try your hand (or rather, eyes) at some of these pictures.

Don’t forget to challenge your friends and family to solve all of them, too. Good luck!

Keep Reading: Rainbow Snake Seen In Florida’s Ocala National Forest For First Time since 1969

The post Can You Spot the Snake In This Photo? appeared first on The Hearty Soul.