4 Simple ways to set yourself up for a good workout

Pierre Van Zylglycogen, Healthy Snacks, Movement, pre-workout, protein, sports nutrition

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1. Get a good night’s sleep A great day starts with a good night’s sleep. Sleep is vital to optimal performance during a workout. It not only helps your body recover, but also improve your energy levels and focus. Insufficient sleep can hurt your performance in the gym and during exercise routines by reducing your…

What to eat before you workout

Pierre Van ZylHealth + Nutrition, pre-workout

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Urgh – you’re hungry and you WANT to fuel your body, but you don’t want to see your breakfast again on the gym floor (seriously GROSS, team – it’s not a badge of honour). Some people (including me) hate eating just before they workout – cause, you know, I’m busy digesting stuff. BUT eating before…