The science of attractiveness has fascinated researchers for centuries, often linking human preferences to evolutionary biology. Recently, scientists discovered a specific characteristic in women’s bodies that plays a significant role in what is percei…
‘Skinny Pigs’ Are Hairless Guinea Pigs That Look Like Pocket-Sized Hippos
In Canada in 1999, an ad ran on children’s programming about the “North American House Hippo” to teach kids not to believe everything they see on TV. While house hippos might not be real, skinny pigs are, and you can have one as a pet. (1) Skinny Pigs: The Real North American House Hippo A…
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Tiny cat chases away massive four-tonne elephant that wandered into its garden
Elephants may be large, but they certainly aren’t known for being overly fierce. The common house cat, however, might just be one of the feistiest animals around. This late-night garden standoff in Thailand makes that point quite clear. Tiny Cat Scares Off Huge Elephant In Nakhon Nayok in Thailand, there is an infamous elephant named…
The post Tiny cat chases away massive four-tonne elephant that wandered into its garden appeared first on The Hearty Soul.
Stray Cat Brings All Her Babies To Meet The Woman Who Helped Her
A woman in Quebec, Canada got more than she bargained for when she began feeding a hungry stray cat in her garden over the summer. The feline was pregnant, and soon after birthing her kittens came again to the woman for help. This is their story. Woman Unintentionally Rescues Stray Cat and Her Kittens While…
The post Stray Cat Brings All Her Babies To Meet The Woman Who Helped Her appeared first on The Hearty Soul.