Deeply Selfish People Often Display These 12 Involuntary Behaviors

Pierre Van ZylRelationship


Opinion Selfishness, while often masked by charm or confidence, can reveal itself through subtle behaviors. These behaviors are often automatic, showing up in daily interactions without much self-awareness from the person displaying them. For those aff…

10 Red Flag Statements That Indicate a Dysfunctional Family

Pierre Van ZylRelationship


Family relationships are complex, but some statements can be red flags, indicating patterns of dysfunction. These phrases, often normalized within the family, reveal unhealthy dynamics that can lead to long-term emotional damage. Below, we explore ten …

Does the Peppermint Oil Trick Work for Removing Ticks?

Pierre Van ZylPets, Relationship


Diseases such as Lyme Disease or Powassan Disease, when administered through a tick bite, can be passed into your body within 24 hours, or in the case of Powassan Disease, 15 minutes, and can result in permanent disability. This makes it crucial to rem…

20 Human Foods You May Not Realize Are Poisonous to Your Dog

Pierre Van ZylPets, Relationship


Dogs might be man’s best friend, but they definitely do not have the same metabolism. That’s why certain foods can be perfectly safe for people but poisonous for dogs. “Every species has different needs, and animals don’t metabolize food the same way w…

Vets Issue Stark Warning About Certain Breeds Of Dogs

Pierre Van ZylPets, Relationship


Doug the Pug may have a lot to answer for. Vet are warning potential dog owners to think twice about buying dog breeds that suffer serious breathing and health problems, such as pugs and French bulldogs. They are concerned that many are simpl…

Study Proves That Your Dog Is Deliberately Manipulating You

Pierre Van ZylPets, Relationship


One of the reasons dogs make such great companions is that they’re so good at communicating with us. They wear their emotions on their faces far more than most non-human animals. We’ve now discovered that’s because they are aware we’re watching, …

Dog Owner Claims Her Husky Sniffed Out Her Cancer 3 Times

Pierre Van ZylPets, Relationship


Any dog owner knows that our pups are good for our health. They force us off our couch to go outside for walks at least once a day, and nothing lifts our spirits more than the unconditional love of our precious pooch. But could it be that our furry fri…

Don’t Ignore These 44 Signs of Abuse

Pierre Van ZylRelationship


Recognizing the signs of abuse is crucial for safeguarding personal well-being and fostering healthy relationships. From subtle manipulations to overt aggression, these indicators serve as vital red flags demanding attention and action. Whether it&#821…

Bus Terminal Opens Their Doors to Shelter Stray Dogs

Pierre Van ZylPets, Relationship


With winter fast approaching it’s not just humans that are looking to escape the cold. Animals everywhere are cozying up for warmth in any way that they are able to, even if it means sleeping in unexpected places with the help of some kind-hearted huma…

Why Marital Success Depends on Women’s Sexual Desire

Pierre Van ZylRelationship, Sex


Intimacy is an important factor in the long-term success of relationships, including marriages.In particular, women’s sexual desire plays an important role in relationship benefits and daily relationship quality. Studies have shown that when wome…

‘Skinny Pigs’ Are Hairless Guinea Pigs That Look Like Pocket-Sized Hippos

Pierre Van ZylPets, Relationship


In Canada in 1999, an ad ran on children’s programming about the “North American House Hippo” to teach kids not to believe everything they see on TV. While house hippos might not be real, skinny pigs are, and you can have one as a pet. (1) Skinny Pigs: The Real North American House Hippo A…

The post ‘Skinny Pigs’ Are Hairless Guinea Pigs That Look Like Pocket-Sized Hippos appeared first on The Hearty Soul.

Tiny cat chases away massive four-tonne elephant that wandered into its garden

Pierre Van ZylPets, Relationship


Elephants may be large, but they certainly aren’t known for being overly fierce. The common house cat, however, might just be one of the feistiest animals around. This late-night garden standoff in Thailand makes that point quite clear.  Tiny Cat Scares Off Huge Elephant In Nakhon Nayok in Thailand, there is an infamous elephant named…

The post Tiny cat chases away massive four-tonne elephant that wandered into its garden appeared first on The Hearty Soul.

Stray Cat Brings All Her Babies To Meet The Woman Who Helped Her

Pierre Van ZylPets, Relationship


A woman in Quebec, Canada got more than she bargained for when she began feeding a hungry stray cat in her garden over the summer. The feline was pregnant, and soon after birthing her kittens came again to the woman for help. This is their story. Woman Unintentionally Rescues Stray Cat and Her Kittens While…

The post Stray Cat Brings All Her Babies To Meet The Woman Who Helped Her appeared first on The Hearty Soul.

You Could Now Land In Jail For Leaving Your Dog Out In The Cold

Pierre Van ZylPets, Relationship


In the state of Pennsylvania, leaving your dog out in the cold could land you in jail. In 2016, a small Boston Terrier puppy in Pennsylvania was rescued from a near-death situation. As the news spread, animal rights activists across the state began dem…