Elko teen hospitalized in Salt Lake, in coma with brain bleeding after family says he was bullied

Pierre Van ZylLearn, parenting, Personal Growth + Development

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“School administrators can’t say it’s up to the parents. Parents can’t say it’s up to the teachers. Teachers can’t say it’s not their job. And kids can’t say, “I was too afraid to tell.� Every single one of us has to play our role if we’re serious about putting an end to the madness. We are all responsible. We must be.� – Megan Kelley Hall (author of Dear Bully)

16-year-old Neo Hobbs from Elko, Nevada was reportedly bullied at school and left with life-threatening injuries. His mother insists he had been hurt by a fellow student. He was hit so hard his brain began to bleed.

The boy can’t give any details, because he’s currently paralyzed after being in a coma at Primary Children’s Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah. It can only be left to the imagination, how hard a student can hit another to fracture his skull and cause his brain to shift.

In a discussion with Fox 13 News, Neo’s mom, Sandra Davidson explains that her son had been complaining of bullying at school. Unfortunately, he was scared the situation would worsen if they made a case against the bully.

“This boy was saying stuff about him, and I told Neo, ‘Just ignore it.’ He says, ‘I am, mom. The best I can,’” Sandra said, amidst tears.

“All I know is, he was hit,” – Sandra

Sandra received a call on January 17th, informing her that her son had been badly hurt, and he was in a hospital in Elko. They had him transferred to Salt Lake City when the intensity of his injuries was discovered.

He was bleeding into his brain and his skull was fractured. Neo had to undergo major brain surgery to fix the damages.

Thankfully, Neo seems to be out of the waters now, but his complete recovery will take a long time. It’s a small ray of hope, but on January 29th he was moved out of the ICU on the, and into the trauma unit.

There’s no way to know exactly what happened to Neo. He woke up on the 27th but was unable to speak, still affected by his injuries. “He’s been in a coma,” his mother said. “He woke up two days ago, and he can’t talk. He can’t move.”

Neo had been terrified of a student at his school. His mom recounted how she pleaded with him to let her go to the school authority. He insisted the kid would only bear down harder on him if she did.

Unfortunately, no one can blame Neo for being terrified to speak up. Most schools have no policy in place to protect kids who speak up against bullies. That’s why sometimes they just choose to endure it.

‘He had to have been hit with something,’ – Neo’s doctors

Investigations carried out by the Elko school district didn’t match up to Neo’s condition. They said a fight happened with normal punches being thrown around, and one student falling. They didn’t explain the depth of the incident. What height could he have fallen from to receive a skull-cracking, brain-shifting impact? How long did the said fight last?

Neo’s doctors disagreed with the report. Sandra said the doctors didn’t believe fist punches and a fall would inflict such massive injuries on her son. “They were just asking me, ‘He had to have been hit with something,’” she said.

The case is currently being investigated by the Elko P.D. Neo deserves a good measure of justice for the pain he’s been through. If more cases of bullying are taken seriously, it will hopefully help to prevent future tragedies like this.

If your child is aggressive at home, he may be lashing out at schoolmates

Not all aggressive kids are bullies, but the correlation between these two behaviors is strong. If a teenager can channel this much violence out of their body, they may have an anger management problem.

If your kids are displaying aggressive behaviors at home, it’s important to address it early. They may be lashing out at school and finding solace in picking on other kids.

A lot of parents refuse to believe it when they are told their kids are unruly at school. This is part of the problem. Many kids who bully others have no one to discipline them or guide them. They need someone who will listen to what’s going on inside them. Parents should also endeavor to find out the kinds of lives their kids lead at school.

If everyone would come together to combat bullying, it wouldn’t be the issue it is today. Parents must learn to speak up for their kids who are being bullied, teachers must be vigilant and report bullies. School administrators must reach out to the parents of both sides. Such a collective effort would ensure the victim’s safety after they speak up, encouraging more students to do the same.

Neo Hobbs, a brave fighter.

Nothing can be done anymore to avert Neo’s pain, but something can be done to save other kids. The poor boy may have to spend a couple of months in the hospital.

“He has to have a lot of physical therapy,” his mother said. “He has to learn how to walk, talk, brush his teeth and feed himself. He has to learn all that over again.â€� It’s too hard to imagine the pain she’s going through now.

Neo’s uncle, Andi Hendersen set up a GoFundMe page for him on the day he was admitted at Elko. His family needs help with the hospital bills and therapy fees.


  1. Lauren Steinbrecher. 2019, January 29. Elko teen hospitalized in Salt Lake, in coma with brain bleeding after family says he was bullied. Retrieved from https://fox13now.com/2019/01/29/elko-teen-hospitalized-in-salt-lake-in-coma-with-brain-bleeding-after-family-says-he-was-bullied/?fbclid=IwAR0ubIFzY23GBcymUxdLJ-EQ0cHD9zmoctjMEbsYR0_B_6VWqvN3P2WFRhc
  2. Aramis A. Neto. 2005, November. Bullying- aggressive behavior among students. Retrieved from http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S0021-75572005000700006&script=sci_arttext&tlng=en
  3. Andi Hendersen. 2019, January 17. Neo Hobbs. Retrieved from https://www.gofundme.com/neo-hobbs

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