A mouse contained in a cage running on a wheel can be cute, but a mouse scurrying across your camper or living room floor without an invitation is a big NO-NO. Now that summer is over and it’s time to pack up certain things and stay out of certain rooms for months at a time, these are some tips for mouse pest control you and your family should consider.
If you don’t take the proper precautions now, you could be walking into an unnecessary mouse problem that you’ll be kicking yourself over later on. So, for the cheapest and least cruel way to keep mice away, keep on reading…
Keep Mice Out of Your Business? It’s Easier Than You Think!
We know, it’s not fair to blamed for your house being so warm and welcoming. But, with winter on its way, these warm and welcoming places are the types of safe havens rodents dream about. But if you follow these steps, you should be in the clear. We’ll start with how to scope out potential spots mice and other rodents might enter your home or camper and then get into some safe ways to keep them out – without killing any. [1-3]
1) Inspect Your Home, Garage, or Camper for Existing Traces of Mice and Other Rodents
The best time to check is around dusk because it starts to get quieter and darker. Use a flashlight to look for potential places where rodents could enter as well as existing hints including mice tracks, mice droppings, gnaw marks, or tiny torn up bits of newspaper, toilet paper, or paper towel. (Rodents love that stuff…)
2) Sanitize the Area
Whether or not you have unwanted visitors, you want to make sure every place with a possible entry point is cleaned and cleaned well. This means no food particles left lying around and no pet food either – rats will feed on and can contaminate both human and animal food. Once you’ve eliminated those things, do a deep clean.
5 Ways to Rodent-Proof Your Home, Garage, or Camper
Note: One thing we should mention before getting into the actual methods is that you will have to replace them every few weeks. Sure, it takes a bit of extra effort, but it will ensure that the critters stay away during those cold months.
“Mice can enter through cracks in foundations, floors or walls. A mouse can fit through a very tiny opening due to their soft cartilages,â€� according to Do-It-Yourself Pest Control. [3] “They can also squeeze through small gaps around utility lines and drainage pipes. All openings that are larger than 1/4″ should be sealed to exclude mice.â€�
Line certain entry points with aluminum foil. We’re not exactly sure why, but mice stay away from aluminum foil like it’s their kryptonite. However, having the shiny silver material doesn’t make for the best decoration. So, since you probably don’t like cooking with aluminum foil, use it (or steel wool) instead to cover holes or wrap non-perishable food you may keep in your garage or basement. This will deter them from nibbling through cardboard or plastic food packaging.
Learn how to make a simple catch-and-release mousetrap. You can get one set up in minutes that actually works and all you need are some materials you have sitting around your house. Watch the video below!
Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil. Place them strategically around your camper, in your garage, and anywhere in your home where you suspect a mouse might try to get in. In addition to strong scents such as garlic or cayenne pepper, mice and other rodents do not enjoy the smell of peppermint. Whereas you probably don’t want to be smelling garlic or cayenne, peppermint kills two… mice… with one stone by keeping them away and making your house smell fresh!
Place bars of soap in your camper or garage. Similar to the effects of peppermint oil, strong-scented soaps are another great alternative for keeping mice and other rodents away. It’s best to place them around doors or by windows and other potential openings. Some people use Irish Spring soap, but anything works as long as it has a potent scent.
Tuck or tape dryer sheets into or around cracks and gaps. Although we don’t promote using toxic dryer sheets in your laundry, we suspect you may still have some sitting around your home. Tucking these strong-scented sheets into gaps and cracks will deter rodents from entering. But, don’t forget to change them every two weeks or so to make sure the scent stays strong.
Hopefully these tips on how to keep mice and other rodents out of your camper, home, or garage help! What we love most about them is that they’re way safer than the toxic sprays often used to get rid of critters. Let us know which ones worked!
Don’t Like Critters? Here’s How to Get Rid of Cockroaches with Borax Instead of Toxic Chemicals
The post How to Keep Mice and Other Rodents Out of Your Home, Garage, and Camper appeared first on The Hearty Soul.