Is your partner affecting your eating habits?

Pierre Van Zyleating habits, love, Relationships, Relationships + Sex, simple, wellness


Don’t believe me when I say you are what your partner eats? Then riddle me this.

We have all at some point been sitting on the couch on a Friday night when we or our partner/friend/family member asks the dreaded question –


“What do you feel like for dinner tonight?� (insert facepalm emoji here).


Then ensues the hour-long conversion/argument surrounding “Oh, I don’t know, you decideâ€�. If you haven’t been in this situation because you are someone who is a master of meal prep then we get it, you are amazing.


Never mind whether your diet is super clean or in need of a little improvement I think we can all agree that adding another person to the equation can change everything. Gone are the days of breakfast for dinner and hello to expectations of 5-star meals all day every day. Or maybe you absolutely hate broccoli and your partner loves it? What happens then? How much contamination is acceptable? Plus I think we can agree that we all have at least one weird food combo that we absolutely love but whether its socially acceptable is up for debate. And whilst you may turn your nose up at some of your S/O eating habits, science and experience says that as time goes on you might become more similar than you may like. Don’t believe me? Then keep on reading.


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Let’s start with the obvious.  Ask yourself this, who is the one that does the grocery shopping? Who does the cooking? Who gets the first pick of what is hitting your plate every day? Have I got you thinking? Sadly this is generally only helpful diet wise if you or your partner has an affinity for greens. For us girls out there, dating a guy means that if you are on cooking duty you often have to cook A LOT more food. However unfair it is men can often eat a lot more than women and maintain their perfect eight-pack figure, we can’t always follow suit.


Now if you want to get extra nerdy about all of this then check this. A recent study that found that the longer you are in a relationship the more your taste and smell sense become similar. Since odours and tastes are often complimentary it makes sense that both of these would change together. Interestingly they also found that this similarity is only linked to the length of the relationship, not overall relationship satisfaction.



Sharing your life with another human being can mean a lot all of those hours spent talking and being around each other. No wonder it can leave a decent mark. And you don’t have to be dating for your eating habits to be affected. I remember when I was living out of home I was sharing an apartment with 3 vegans and I would definitely be lying if I said that it didn’t change the way I ate. So when it comes to your food in a relationship, you do you and the next time you find yourself craving that odd food that your partner really likes and you thought was disgusting, just blame it on science.


Have you picked up any weird habits from your S/O?

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