I have been so blessed to have several amazing groups of girlfriends, most of whom are mamas. I have a handful of dear friends from high school, sorority line and big sisters who have become like family, my college international housemates, my college friends whose spouses have become my husband’s friends, beloved friends from our time in family housing at UNC, my Code Brown Crew from UNC Pediatric Residency, the mamas from the parenting group my husband and I started 3 years ago, and my family – I count my mother, mother-in-law, and great aunt as three of my best friends – these women fill my life with advice and love and accept my text messages and incoming calls day or night. I love, love, love them!
Keep your mama friendships guilt free
I truly believe that it takes a village to raise a family and it takes a tribe of girlfriends to keep a mama sane and thriving. Over time I have come to realize that it is impossible to be everything to someone and as such I have been able to find over time that all of the different qualities my girlfriends have make for some diverse, sound, and priceless advice. I have never been a one-best-friend type of girl even though I wanted to be and instead do much better with a cadre of lady friends.
As our lives have ebbed and flowed, sometimes the calls are more frequent, sometimes months or even years go by without communication. But the love is always there. After months of not speaking I have done consults on sick kiddos, talked to family members who had medical questions, done an emergency contraception consult for an adolescent volunteer visiting the United Arab Emirates (it is dangerous in many countries to have unmarried sex). I have walked with friends through infertility, infant loss, miscarriages, marriage challenges, spousal communication issues, school issues, health issues, you name it.
As my life has become busier I have been doing more lately to immediately send a text when one of them crosses my mind. Just a quick “you ran across my mind, it’s been so long, sending you a big ole hug. How are you and the family?!?”. Which leads to a flurry of updates before we have to run. And if I really feel compelled and have some alone time in the car, I pick up the phone and call. Some of those impromptu catch up calls have been life changing for me and for the other ladies.
I have incorporated a saying recently when the inevitable “I am so sorry it’s been so long” is uttered. I quickly say something like “Girl!!! Our lives are so busy ain’t nobody got time for mama guilt! Call or text me when I run across your mind and I’ll do the same for you!” and then we laugh and continue to catch up in the few minutes we have.
So to all of the mamas out there. Call or text your friends when they run across your mind. When you talk, carry on where you need to. If you feel the need to apologize for it being so long, be gentle and forgiving with yourself and stop yourself! Let’s minimize the guilt we have in our lives and do what we can when we can unapologetically. If your friend apologizes, tell her you refuse to have any guilt in your relationship when life is already so complicated and you promise to do what you can when you can to stay in touch. Here’s to keeping your mama friendships guilt free and full of love!
How do you keep in touch with your friends? How do you minimize guilt in your relationships? Please comment below!