Last week’s workouts weren’t terribly exciting nor were they dull. I guess I’ve got the mid January blah’s with the holiday’s over and nothing exciting happening any time soon. I wanted routine and I got it.
30 minutes Arc Trainer hill focus
strength training:
bench press
split squat
reverse lunge cable row
side bench step ups w/ press
banded pull ups
eccentric pull ups
med ball plank rolls
spider (wo)man push up
5 mile run, 8:59 avg pace
Super chill run enjoying the sunshine even though it was damn cold.
20 minutes elliptical w/ 10 min w/u, 1 min hard, 1 min easy x 5
10 minutes stepmill speed push
strength training:
cable flys
cable bicep curls
barbell hip thrusters
reverse lunge with db curl/press
march with overhead db hold
banded pull ups
eccentric pull ups
SL bench squats
renegade kb rows
trx pike planks
morning flow yoga @ bending bodhi
3 mile run, 9:10 avg/pace
Thank goodness for sunshine because single digits with real feel of -6 is not my favorite thing ever. But with sunshine, at least you can feel a little bit of warmth radiating on your face. I didn’t plan to run today but somehow I ended up outside. I guess I couldn’t resist freezing my arse again.
4.5 mile run, 8:58 avg/pace
This run was harder than it should have been. Kyle and I were both chugging along with lungs that didn’t want to work and legs that felt like lead. Not every run can be sunshine and puppies. But we still had fun catching up!
7.12 mile run, 8:41 avg/pace
I had zero motivation Saturday morning for a run. My eyes were super itchy Friday afternoon and all through the night. I wasn’t sure if it was an allergic reaction or something else. Thankfully, it didn’t seem like conjunctivitious since they weren’t read or goopey. As soon as I stepped outside, my eyes felt fine and I settled into my run easily. As I was heading towards home, I noticed three of my friends running about 1/2 mile ahead of me. I picked up the pace in hopes of catching them. Of course, I got stopped at a light so I had to run even faster to reach them. Even though I was yelling, “Nice ass!” to them multiple times, they didn’t hear me. So I had to run even faster. Finally, I got up to them and enjoyed a brief mile with them before separating. At least it gave me a little tempo workout in the mix. Lol!
3 mile snowshoe walk
Our mega snow storm turned out to be a big dud. We have ground cover but it was the 2 feet that was predicted. And it was mixed with sleet. I thought sleet only happens with the temp is close to freezing? It never got above 15 degrees all day. Weird.
We were hoping to drive north to ski/snowboard but the roads were quite treacherous with the mix. I’m glad we didn’t because Gunstock had a wind hold for most of the day anyway. I would have been irate to get there and be stuck on two lifts all day.
Since I ran three days in a row, I decided to stick to a walk instead of a snowshoe run. Besides, I agreed with my physical therapist to keep my running on the easier side of perceived exertion for the next few weeks while I’m getting treatment for my Achilles. I’ve only had a few treatments and it’s amazing how much the thickness has decreased. Good progress that I don’t want to wreck with higher intensity runs. And if you’ve ever run in snowshoes, especially in fresh powder making your own trail, you know it’s not easy at all.
A week of #running, strength training, yoga and snowshoeing #workouts
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How was your week in workouts?
Linking up with Hoho and Wendy for the weekly workout wrap up.
The post Last Week’s Workouts appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.