Last Week’s Workouts

AngelaRunning, strength training, strength training for runner, trail running, Workouts, Yoga


Last week's workouts |

Last week’s workouts were going along swimmingly until Friday when my throat started to feel weird.  At first, I hoped for allergies.  But when I started to get chills, aches and feel like crud, I knew it was a good ol’ fashion cold.  Yippee.


20 minutes Arc Trainer

20 minutes Stepmill

bench press

reverse grip bent over row

eccentric pull ups

band pull ups

KB around the world

bench step up with heavy KB

pendulum lunge

plank with KB pull thru

Last week's workouts |



Morning Flow Yoga @ Bending Bodhi Yoga

5.1 mile run, 8:54 avg/pace, 271 ft elev/gain

After last week’s wonky times when uploaded to Strava, I ditched my Epson and went with my ol’ trusty Garmin GPS. My times were exactly the same on both.  I guess I’m back to being a Garmin Girl!


7 mile run with 4 hill repeats, 9:20 avg/pace, 794 ft elev/gain

Kyle and I ran about 2 miles to the beastly hill in town before doing 4 repeats.  The thing about hill repeats is that you can feel the strength you’ve gained.  That hill will never be easy but you just get stronger and more comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Last week's workouts |

Sweaty hair + pink cheeks = great workouts


5 mile trail run, 10:39 avg/pace, 226 ft elev/gain

My running buddy from last year, Lori, was in town so we met up for an early morning trail run. My only regret is that we didn’t have more time to catch up and cover more miles.  The woods are so lovely right now with everything so green.

Last week's workouts |


20 minute Arc Trainer

10 minute Stepmill

single leg balance w/ bicep curl to shoulder press

single leg balance bent over row

Smith press bench step ups


cable squat/row

tricep rope extension

pendulum lunges w/ KB pass thru

eccentric pull ups

banded pull ups

TRX mountain climbers

TRX pike planks

Last week's workouts |


5.6 mile run, 8:51 avg/pace, 338 ft elev/gain

I slept in a little later this morning because I was feeling run down (the cold was appearing!). I had a short window for a run so I squeezed as much as I could before shuttling kids to gymnastics, soccer and baseball.  The highlight of my run?  Having a random cat run with me for about a 1/4 mile.  I’ve had dogs run with me but never a cat.  I wanted to take the thing home with me!

I started to feel worse as the day went on.  It didn’t help that it was 55 degrees and windy while I froze my tushie off at the games.  I was soooo cold!

Guess what I did when everything was over?  I crashed on the couch for a solid 4 hours and went to bed early.

Last week's workouts |


Rest day – I woke up feeling a little better but still felt achy with a stuffed nose and achy sinuses. I always know when a run doesn’t sound good, I’m sick. Today was the day.  The most activity I got today was riding my bike casually at the beach with the family.

Catch up on the week in #running and strength training with @happyfitmama #workouts
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Linking up with Hoho and Wendy for the weekly workout wrap up.

How was your week in workouts?

The post Last Week’s Workouts appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.