I wouldn’t be a runner if I didn’t bring up the weather from last week’s workouts. While New Hampshire didn’t have it as cold as the Midwest, it was c.o.l.d. And now this week will feel like March.
The roller coaster continues.
5 mile run, 8:52 avg pace
An easy peasy run to kick off the week. Bonus that it was in the sunshine!
30 minute run, 3.3 miles, 9:00 avg pace
20 min elliptical
Mountain legs workout + pull ups:
barbell squat (20 reps)
side lunge touch w/ balance (10/side)
barbell squat (15)
reverse lunge to SL stand (10/side)
barbell squat (12)
walking lunge w/ med ball Russian twist (10/side)
barbell squat (10)
speed skaters (10/side)
barbell squat (8)
bench split squat (10/side)
rest day
I did do some mobility work and stretching because my butt was SORE from Tuesday’s workout.
5.5 mile treadmill run/hike, 1.5 miles easy, 1 min up/1 min down x 10, 10 min hill ladder, easy miles
I dusted off my treadmill and hit the basement running. With a temp of -6 and a real feel of -16 I said NO THANK YOU to running outside. The first 5 minutes felt like 5 miles but once I got into my 90s R&B on Pandora, it was all good. There’s just something about Tupac, Keith Sweat, L.L. Cool J and Blackstreet that brings back my high school and college years. Awww, memories.
strength training:
bench press
cable crossover
bench SL squat up and over
SL KB deadlift
TRX split squats
TRX inverted row
TRX fall out w/ tricep ext
SL side step ups
eccentric pull ups
banded pull ups
med ball slams
5 mile run
Re-united and it feels so good! It’s been about 2 weeks since Kyle and I ran together. I missed her! It was nice to catch up but even better because we got to run in daylight hours. Woohoo!
Rest day
I woke up Saturday morning to another day of frigid temps. I had zero interest in running. I thought maybe I’d head out later in the day once it warmed up a bit but the interest was still not there. I didn’t feel the need to force it so another rest day it was.
Snowboard day! With the kids in ski club and Ron chaperoning, I had an hour to board by myself. Why is it that every time I get on a lift with strangers they are either Vaping or have boogers hanging out of their nose that I can’t stop staring at while they are chatting away with me. I have mirrored goggles on so you’d think they’d see it flapping in and out. I wish I would have had a tissue to pass over. So gross!
How was your week in workouts?
Linking up with Hoho and Wendy for the weekly workout wrap up.
The post Last Week’s Workouts appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.