Last Week’s Workouts

AngelaRunning, strength training, Strength training for runners, Workouts, Yoga


last week's workouts |

It appears we are sticking with the roller coaster theme for last week’s workouts. When you start the week off with shorts and 60 degrees to single digits and winds bowling you over by the end, you don’t know what’s coming up around the bend.  My mind doesn’t know what season it is anymore.


30 minute run w/ 8 x 30 sec hill repeats

This run had extra resistance thanks to snow/slush covered roads and sidewalks.  I pushed as much as I could for the hill repeats without losing my footing.

12 minutes Stepmill

strength training:

banded pull ups

eccentric pull ups

TRX push ups

TRX fall out

mountain legs:

barbell squat (20 reps)

side lunge touch w/ balance (10/side)

barbell squat (15)

reverse lunge to SL stand (10/side)

barbell squat (12)

walking lunge w/ med ball Russian twist (10/side)

barbell squat (10)

speed skaters (10/side)

barbell squat (8)

bench split squat (10/side)


5 mile trail run, 12:31 avg pace

It was 60 degrees, sunny and I just got a new pair of Brooks Cascadia 13 trail shoes (that I won on Instagram!) – a trail run was calling my name!  I actually thought the trail was going to be nothing but ice so I grabbed my microspikes. In reality, there was ice but also mud and deep snow. It was slow going in a lot of spots but it was so gorgeous that I didn’t care what speed I was running. I kept on running through pockets of warmth where it felt like summer air yet I’d be looking at snow.  Kind of a weird feeling.

I still want some winter weather because let’s face it, we haven’t had that much. BUT I will say that 60 degrees felt AMAZING.

Morning Flow Yoga @ Bending Bodhi Yoga

I haven’t been to yoga in a month because of appointments, meetings and school closings/delays, and my body could tell.  My glutes and hips were in serious need of some stretching.  Doing certain poses where I don’t feel any stretch had me saying HELLO glutes! Note to self – don’t slack on yoga!


30 minutes Elliptical

15 minutes Stepmill with 1min up, 1 min down

strength training:

bench press

cable crossover skier

anti-rotational cable pull

DB skiers

banded pull ups

eccentric pull ups

KB SL deadlifts

bench SL squats

side lunge w/ DB pull/press

med ball slams


6 miles, 9:09 avg pace

With a mix of rain and snow overnight, the roads and sidewalks were sloppy.  My Saucony Peregrine ICE (affiliate link) kept my feet dry and gave me traction but it was slow going.  It felt like we were running in sand for most of the run.  In between our endless chatter we’d both pause momentarily to catch our breath and say “I’m dying!”  Lol…good times!


rest day!


3.4 mile run, 8:44 avg pace

From the blue sky, brilliant sunshine and temp on the thermometer of 30 degrees, you would think it was perfect winter weather.  But then there’s the wind.  It was howling over 30 mph that gave us a real feel of 8 degrees.  There were times that a gust of wind would carry me when I was mid stride.  It seemed like it was always a headwind that would take my breath away and leaving me gasping for air.  But I did luck out with a tail wind up a big hill.  It felt like a hand was on my back pushing me up effortlessly.  I wasn’t mad about that at all!

I did a prehab mini band glute routine before my run to make sure my glutes were all fired up.


7.24 mile run, 8:58 avg pace, 542 ft elev gain

I was scrolling through Instagram before my run and my memory from this date last year was of running hill repeats up and down the big ass hill in town.  I thought, “hmmm…maybe we should do repeats today?” Ironically, when I picked up Kyle, she had the same thought.  When you run together often, you both come up with the horribly good/bad ideas at the same time.

The last time we did hill repeats on this hill was June.  It’s a mega hill that I believe is a little over 13% grade (according to Strava).  That first repeat was a killer that had us power hiking the last 1/4.  The second wasn’t as bad but we still ended up power hiking. You gotta start somewhere, right?  The good news is that I hit a PR on the run down at least.  Lol!

How was your week in workouts?

Linking up with Hoho and Wendy for the weekly workout wrap up.

The post Last Week’s Workouts appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.