Last week’s workouts meant peak week of training for Mount Washington Road Race. It’s taper time!
40 min bike ride
Strength training
It was a gorgeous Memorial Day and I had zero desire to hit the gym. Instead I opted for my first outing on my bike of the season and a backyard strength training session.
My butt is not in bike seat condition (yowch!) but it was nice to get out to see some of the sights that I haven’t seen in awhile down by the Bay aka the flat area of town that I don’t get to see anymore.
Afterwards, I did a quick strength training session with Coach Max watching:
Do each exercise 60 sec, repeat 3-4x
Reverse lunges w/ KB pres
Mountain climbers
Lateral lunge with KB reach to SL balance
Plank walk outs w/ frog kick
Med ball squat toss
Push up to plank shoulder taps
50 minute run, 9:28 avg/pace, 1267 ft elev gain
With it being peak week, I knew I had to hit the treadmill for an elevation push. My coach gave me a workout that went from 3%-12% for varying distances. I adjusted the speeds for each incline but kept it so I was still running (albeit very slowly at 12%). Running at 10-12% is hard AF but once you get into a groove, it’s not that bad. Haha – the lies I tell myself.
Morning Flow Yoga @ Bending Bodhi
Thankful for yoga to help stretch out my achy legs and to calm my monkey mind.
30 minutes Stepmill Intervals (10 min w/u, 1 min on/1 min off for 15 min, 5 min steady climb)
Strength training: Bullet proof leg circuit (modified with split squats instead of leg press) + upper body (Pull ups, TRX inverted row, TRX push up, TRX fall out) + core + mobility
63 min run, 8:41 avg pace, 383 ft elev gain
I woke up with a headache and feeling stiff and sore everywhere. I wasn’t too surprised about being sore since I lifted heavy on Wednesday. The headache was not expected. Thankfully, I was meeting Kyle for an easy run. The soreness and the headache went away as we chatted and the miles added up. I’m not sure what happened but we cranked up the pace for two middle miles. We must have been talking about politics. Lol. That always makes us run faster!
After 4 miles, I split ways with Kyle and swung by my house to pick up Max for the remainder of my run. He was on a mission to stop, smell and pee on every.single.thing. Some days, it’s like that.
Morning Flow Yoga @ Bending Bodhi
This class hit all the right spots to help work out the soreness in my hips and glutes. I’m always extra happy when class includes Pigeon.
Rest day!
2 hour trail run, 2,766 ft elev gain
It was my last longer run before Washington so I hit up Gunstock for some more climbing. I had a new running friend, Victoria, join me. She hasn’t been running that much lately so we split up for the climbing and I waited for her at the summit to descend together (and it gave me time to have a mini photo shoot with myself – lol!). I felt so freakin’ good today.
It was hard AF but still easier than it was two weeks ago on my first jaunt up of the training plan. I would have liked to have got just a little bit more elevation but I’m still feeling great going into the final 2 weeks of training before race day.
41 minute run, 4.5 miles
An easy peasy 41 minutes of running with Max is a great way to start the day. My quads are a little sore from the downhills yesterday but overall, feeling quite good. All that strength training is working!
How was your week in workouts?
Linking up with the Weekly Run Down.
The post Last Week’s Workouts appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.