Last Week’s Workouts

Angela50k training, Running, Strength training for runners


Last week's workouts |

Last week’s workouts saw my last LONG long run – 25 freakin’ miles.

I can’t believe it’s taper time. I’m ready to get the race done. Training has been great but the long runs eat up too much weekend time. At this point, I’m not sure if I’ll be a 50k ‘one and done’ person. We’ll have to see post race, right?


20 minutes Arc Trainer hill intervals

20 minutes Stepmill Eiffel Tower program

Strength training: Bullet Proof Legs + upper body, core and mobility

My brain could not handle the stepmill for 40 minutes so I split it up.


61 min run, 6.82 miles, 399 ft elev gain

Max and I hit the pavement for some early morning miles. There was a pretty sunrise. But the thing that I was thinking about during my whole run was, “Why are there so many sandwiches on the road?”

Last week's workouts | happyfitmama.comI know it was garbage day for most of the town so that might be an explanation but seriously, there were half eaten sandwiches everywhere. Max was having a field day gobbling down what he could before I could stop him. I think he even had some Vitamin Water. So bizarre!

Morning Flow Yoga @ Bending Bodhi later in the day.


30 min Stepmill

Mobility + full body strength training


46 min run, 4.82 miles, 776 ft elev gain

The goal of this run was to get as much elevation as possible in 45 minutes.  Kyle and I hit up the BIG hill in town and for some good ol’ repeats. I’m quite bummed about how dark it is in the morning now. It seems like we lost a ton of daylight hours very quickly in the past couple of weeks.

The good news is that I was feeling really strong with each climb. Except the last one. That was a slog that had me wishing I would have brought Max along to pull me up the hill. He only got to enjoy the cool down walk.

Last week's workouts | happyfitmama.comFriday



5 mile run, 8:51 avg/pace

I had little time to get this run in before it was a morning/afternoon of archery, soccer, and picking up the kids’ new instruments.

Pray for me that they are quick studies in the clarinet and trumpet.


25 mile trail run, 3,512 ft elev gain, 5 hr 35 min

I had a feeling all week that I was going to encounter a bear on my run this weekend. My Spidey Sense did not let me down.

I couldn’t find anyone to run the first part of my run with me so I hit the trails at 7 a.m. solo for 12-13 miles. Since my Spidey Sense told me I was going to see a bear, I came prepared with my phone belting out 90’s hip hop music and me yelling out, “Hey, bear!” hear and there.

I hit the summit and started the descent. Within the first mile down, I came around a corner and spotted a big black object high tailing it down the trail and off to the woods. I’m so glad I spooked him first before he spooked me.  Needless to say, I kicked up the whistle blowing and the yelling after that.  And I ran my fastest mile of the day.  Lol!

Last week's workouts |

I made it back to the trail head with no problems and soon picked up my friend, Anya, for the final 11 miles.  Of course, things never go as planned so I ended up with an additional 12 miles for 25 miles total for the day.

My feet and ankles were tired/sore the last few miles but I was still trotting along. This was a nice confidence boost for race day. As Anya told me, you have to accept that things are going to hurt but it’s ok. The nice thing (maybe?) about an ultra is that it’s long enough that bad parts will eventual fade back to feeling good.

I’m leaning towards more good parts than bad.

How was your week in workouts?

Linking up with the Weekly Run Down.

The post Last Week’s Workouts appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.