Meet The World’s Laziest Horse That Plays Dead Whenever It’s Time to Give a Ride

Pierre Van ZylLearn, News + Discoveries, Pets


worlds laziest horse plays dead

Someone bring an Oscar for this muscular actor… 

Named after a city in China, Jingang is a Korean horse who has had enough of carrying heavy people on his back several times a day. He came up with a smart trick to get out of riding people along the local countryside – playing dead [1]. Anytime a rancher approaches with a visitor who wants to get a ride on Jingang, the lazy stud would drop down to the ground, shut his eyes and lie still, pretending to be dead. He dislikes skin pain and would go to extreme lengths to avoid any kind of stress.

He gets better at it every day

In a video that has garnered over 2.8 million views on YouTube, Jingang can be seen flopping to the ground in rapid motions even when people are sitting on his back. He’s gotten so good at it that he would now fall before someone gets on his saddle, sticking his tongue out and raising his hooves high in the air.

“It’s cute but naughty,” his owner said.

In one of the clips, the lazy daisy saw one of the ranchers running toward him and did a swift double-take to the ground. When the rancher retreated, Jingang slowly began to get up. The rancher then came back to him, running quickly and calling out loudly. In an automatic motion, Jingang flopped back down to the ground again. He kicked violently in the air for a bit as if pretending to be distressed and then lay still. This horse is an amazing theatre art major.

 Everyone in the ranch has given up on Jingang as he seems to be immune to horse training.

Jingang has a lot of admirers online

The Asian stallion has cracked up millions of people online with his funny antics, and he’s been branded a genius who is far too smart to be a horse.

“That horse is a genius, wish I could just do that every time someone I don’t like comes near me,” one comment on YouTube read.

“The same happened to me when I was a kiddo and sitting on a horse… He fell down and pretended that he had fainted… But when I kept some chana in front of his mouth, he suddenly woke up… 😂,” another read.

Some people could over-relate with the horse’s actions. “Absolutely me when my sister wakes me up to go and get ready for school.”

Jingang’s got it all figured out for himself, and the best part is that he doesn’t seem to care what anyone thinks. The spoiled brat is out there living his best life.

  1. Ben Cost. Lazy horse plays dead every time people try to ride him. NY Post. Retrieved 02-11-19
  2. Klitter Klub. Lazy A** Horse Plays Dead Every Time You Ride. YouTube. Retrieved 02-11-19

The post Meet The World’s Laziest Horse That Plays Dead Whenever It’s Time to Give a Ride appeared first on The Hearty Soul.