My Week in Workouts

AngelaRunning, Workouts


My week in workouts started off a little rocky after stepping/falling into a hole (I think?) during last Sunday’s trail run. I didn’t run until Thursday when things felt 95% better. Amazingly enough, after the run, I was 100% better. Isn’t it weird how that happens sometime?


30 minute bike intervals

Strength training

Sunday night, while stretching/massaging my ankle that was hurting, I came to the realization that it wasn’t really my ankle that was bugging me. It was more of the posterior tib tendon. Of course, typical me, I started to panic that it was the deltoid ligament that I completely messed up 3 years ago by doing an eversion sprain since the painful spot was similar. After some poking around and consulting a PT friend, we concluded I strained my posterior tib tendon with the plan to lay low.


Morning Flow Yoga @ Bending Bodhi

I played it safe and took another day off from running. I’d rather spend a few days not running now rather than have something pop up when I’m in 30k training. Besides, spending 60 minutes on my mat was much needed and felt oh so good.


30 minutes ARC trainer hill intervals

10 minutes Stepmill

Strength training

My intention for Wednesday’s strength session were two things – PR in my squat and bench press. I’m happy to report both were an success. In fact, I think I could have gone up more. It’s a good feeling, feeling strong.


5 mile road run with Kyle

It’s really a bummer when your weather app says it will be 18 degree for your morning run the night before but in reality it’s 12 degrees. Six degrees may not seem like much but it makes a HUGE difference in clothing. I picked the wrong pair of tights (legs were freezing!) and my Buff was completely frozen almost immediately. That’s not too pleasant for 44 minutes of running.

What was pleasant was talking mountain running plans for the spring as Kyle and I chatted about training plans and chasing vert. I love having friends to share the fun with!


Rest day


6 mile trail run with Jill and Jenny

The weather turned warm, yet again, and the lovely snow we got last weekend is practically all gone. Jenny and I took Jill on her first trail run EVER. Jill was a total trooper but was probably swearing internally nonstop.

With the warm conditions, what snow we had left turned to mashed potatoes. Lots of slop that was tough to run in. It was like running in soft sand at times and then you were sliding sideways because it was so slippery. I give major props to anyone who wants to try trail running in the winter. It makes things complicated for sure but like my friend Lori taught me years ago – we run on trails no matter what conditions!


8.3 mile road run with Jenny

After months of not having a training plan, I’m feeling an itch to train again. Maybe it’s the newness of a new year or because a lot of friends have begun training for spring races. I’m trying not to rush anything and enjoy the plan free freedom.

Since I’m such a wonderful friend, I took Jenny on a tour of almost all of the big hills around town. She may have been swearing at me but I just gave her the ol’ “hills make you stronger!” and “hills are speed work in disguise” talk. She still swore at me but then she said HILL YEAH! when we parted ways. I think we have a hill lover, people!

How was your week in workouts?

Linking up with the Weekly Run Down. 

The post My Week in Workouts appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.