Well, it’s been week one of what’s becoming the new normal as we deal with COVID-19. Although, once we get used to “normal” things change. It’s a bumpy ride for sure that has me feeling all the emotions. With all the uncertainty, I’m thankful that I have running and exercise in my life. Those two outlets have been great for processing and keeping things in perspective. Without further ado, here’s my week in workouts.
30 minutes Recumbent Bike
20 minute walk with Max
25 minutes Strength Training
10 burpees
My gym was still open on Monday but I opted for a home workout to do my part to flatten the curve. Oh man. I forgot how hard it is to get into the flow of an at-home workout. I mean, I did it for 7 years faithfully but not that it’s been almost 3 years of gym workouts, it’s hard to find that same motivation. My downfall is that I didn’t plan ahead of what I was going to do so I ended up winging it. I still had a great workout but I wasn’t pleased with how choppy it was. Mental note to self: plan the workout ahead of time!
I also started my own 30 day burpee challenge…because why not? Every day I’ll be increasing the amount of burpees by 2. Day 1 was 10…holy cow. I forgot how much I hate burpees.
6.42 mile run with Max, 8:31 avg/pace, 340 ft elev gain
12 burpees
My usual Tuesday trail schedule has been derailed now that my kids are out of school for at least the next 3 weeks. Instead of trail time, I got some Max miles. Since it was my 42nd birthday, I did 6.42 miles (4 + 2, 42) and added more pizazz with 2 mins on, 2 mins off fun. I know, I sure know how to party! I had to find some fun in the day because let me tell ya, having a birthday when everyone is self-distancing, in quarantine and the restaurants are all closed is no fun!
42 minute Strength Training
3 mile run with the whole fam
14 burpees
Day #2 of basement workouts went a little better. I had my plan and got to work.
Don’t be jealous of my sweet basement workout space.
Work was mentally exhausting from questions, concerns and overall uncertainty of what’s going to happen in the near future. I purposely saved my run till after work to enjoy some movement. I ran with Ron and Max while the kids rode their bikes. Maybe I’ll make Ron into a runner after all of this? Haha…I don’t know but it’s fun trying! And I can’t believe I didn’t get photo evidence of this monumental occasion. Goes to show where my brain was.
7 mile road run, 9:40 avg/pace, 938 elev gain
50 minutes yoga
16 burpees
I met up with Kyle to run to our favorite mega hill for super duper special hill repeats. Jen and Kevin met us there to make it a social distancing party. To be honest, hill repeats are perfect for social distance. We all run at different paces to we just natural separate! Kyle and I did 6 puke-worthy repeats before a 2 mile easy cool down. I’m so thankful for running during all of this to help work out my anger, frustrations, and fears. And for friends who help with talk/run therapy.
Later in the day, the kids and I had P.E. Today it was yoga which I think I enjoyed more than them. At least I got them to do some of it!
Rest day except for 18 burpees!
6.1 trail miles, 10:51 avg pace, 441 ft elev gain
20 burpees
Oh man. I felt teary eyed driving to the trail head thinking about the past few days. When I met up with Jen, we both started to vent and let every emotion spew out while running. It was one of those runs where it just felt good to talk, laugh, and know that you we’re all in this together.
It was also one of those runs where a good ol’ runner buddy hug would have been perfect. And I’m not even a big hugger! But…we opted for air high 5’s from a distance. Sigh. One day we’ll get back there.
12 mile trail run, 12:29 avg/pace, 907 ft elev gain
22 burpees
I was feeling 0% motivated Sunday morning. Originally I was going to run some roads and trails solo but at the last minute I texted Anya and asked what she was doing. Her original plan didn’t fit what I wanted for mileage so I went back to my plan. But then things flipped and she could run with me. I canned my road plans and met her and Linda at one of our usual trails. With plenty of time to spare because none of us had any pressing engagements thanks to social distancing, we did some runsploring on new to us trails. I’m so glad we did because they were amazing! We got a solid 6 miles on new dirt before finishing up on our usual trails.
Despite the trail head lot being packed, we only saw three other people and were able to keep plenty of distance between us.
Thank goodness we have the outdoors, running, and friends to help during this time.
So tell me, how are you? Like for real…doing ok?
Linking up with the Weekly Run Down.
The post My Week in Workouts appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.