The first week of December brought one thing to my week in workouts – SNOW!
Monday and Tuesday brought us about 18 inches of snow followed by 1-2 inches on Friday night. It was nice to see all the brown covered with white stuff. And with snow means more play time. I had SNOW much fun!
30 minutes Stepmill intervals (I did this Stepmill workout)
Strength training: AEC Synergy Stack
The snow that came overnight caused the kids to not have school and for me to have a delayed start at work. I wasn’t mad at being able to sleep in a little bit. I debated about doing a basement workout or hitting the gym. I opted for the gym and I’m glad I did. It was so quiet even for being there later than I usually am. Snow days do that!
Later on, I got an even better surprise – I got called off from work because all our patients cancelled for the afternoon. I didn’t get to do a snow run but the kids and I met up with friends to sled. It truly was a snow day for all!
30 minute microspike snow run with Jen
16 minute microspike snow run with Max
The snow continued to fall overnight and into Tuesday. It was another snow day for the kids. I did squeeze in a snowy trail run with Jen and Max in the morning. It was super fun but ridiculously hard thanks to the snow up to our shins and having to break trail the whole time. Even though I only got a little over 4 miles total for the day, it felt like at least 8 with the effort that goes into breaking trail. But again…snow much fun!
I didn’t officially track it but I definitely think my hill repeats from sledding were part of my week in workouts. Phew…talk about feeling the burn!
20 minute Stepmill intervals
20 minute treadmill hills:
5 mins @ 5%, 5 mins @ 7% 2 mins @ 2%, 4 mins @ 8%, 2 mins @ 9%, 2 mins @ 2%
Strength training:
Squat to SA press
Reverse lunge w/ KB low row
Lateral lunge w/ SA shoulder press
SL deadlift
DB Renegade rows
Eccentric pull ups
Lat pull downs
SA pulley rows
Plank matrix
5.63 mile run
There wasn’t any new snow but the roads were still sloppy and icy from the storm that ended on Tuesday evening. I wore my trail shoes just to have a little extra traction while hitting the streets in the dark and early morning with Kyle. We chatted and caught up and before we knew it, it was time for us to part ways and get the day started. If only we didn’t have to go to work!
Rest day!
3.3 mile microspike trail run
After attending a holiday party on Friday night, I ended up sleeping in longer than I anticipated. I really wanted to hit the trails with Max to enjoy the snow before it was all gone (the forecast for the week is calling for rain and warm temps) but I had a limited time thanks to the first day of Saturday basketball for Lukas.
On a normal day, I’d be able to get at least 4-5 miles on the trails. BUT with snow, that’s all different. The trail conditions were great near the trail head. Enough people had gone through with snowshoes or cross country skis to break trail. I opted for wearing microspikes rather than my running snowshoes. That was fine up until I got down by the river where less people venture. From then on, things slowed WAY down. I was working HARD but having such a great time. It was SO gorgeous in the woods with the fresh snow that had fallen overnight and the sunlight coming through the trees.
It made me so happy to be out there. And so was Max.
5.3 mile snowshoe run
I had a major running dilemma – do I run long on the roads or do I hit the trails for a snowshoe run before it all melts this week?
You may be like Ron and say, “Why not do a long snowshoe run?” To which I answered, “Uhhh, no way. Ten miles snowshoe running sounds like pure hell to me”. If you’ve ever been snowshoe running, you know what I mean.
I dumped the long run idea and settled for 5+ miles on the trails. It was a sufferest per usual. The first snowshoe run is a mix of happiness filled with constant thoughts of “WHY?!?!” The conditions were actually really great the first mile but then I had to start breaking trail again and promptly slowed WAY down. I lost count how many times I banged my ankles with the side of the snowshoes. I had snot flying everywhere. My heart rate was through the rough. My lungs and legs burned. But then I got back on a packed trail and things calmed down and I liked snowshoe running again.
That was the sequence for the first 4 miles of the run. Once I was close to the trail head and on packed snow, I decided it would be much better to run without the snowshoes. I must have really looked like a crazy person to everyone I passed after that. Snowshoes under one arm, the other hand holding Max’s leash and me running. Totally normal, right? I will tell you one thing…it still was easier running like that than with the snowshoe on.
I dumped my snowshoes at my car, slipped on my microspikes and headed back out for another 1+ miles. Hahahaha…I felt so light and free!
How was your week in workouts?
Linking up with the Weekly Run Down.
The post My Week in Workouts appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.