![My week in workouts | happyfitmama.com](http://www.happyfitmama.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Maydwntnrun.jpg)
It’s another rundown of my week in workouts. It was a week of dealing with full on summer running. I’m not mad at the heat one bit. Bring.it.on.
I know this is a running and fitness blog but I have to acknowledge the state of our country right now. The killing of George Floyd made me sad and furious. As a white woman, I have no idea of what it means to be black. I feel helpless and I don’t know the right thing to say. So what I’m doing is listening, learning, donating, speaking up and showing up. I am educating myself with a list of anti-racist books. Things need to change.
Rest day except for an evening walk. I worked all day and by the time I was done I didn’t have the energy to do anything more than head out for a walk with the fam.
4 mile trail run, 9:57 avg pace
Outdoor Bootcamp strength intervals w/ 2 miles of running
I had seen some friends post about a new to me trail on Strava recently so I decided to check it out. It wasn’t anything spectacular but it was a nice change of scenery from the other local trails I’ve been running lately. The highlight of the run was finding a baby owl in the middle of the trail. When I spotted the owl, two big owls flew overhead and landed on trees nearby. At first I thought maybe it was a smaller owl who was attacked by the bigger two. It didn’t seem hurt so I then realized it was probably a baby. It was SO cute!
![My week in workouts | happyfitmama.com](http://www.happyfitmama.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/mayowltrail.jpg)
I called The Center for Wildlife to report it and they said they would swing by to check it out to make sure it was ok. If it was a baby, the parents would continue to feed it and care for it even if it fell out of the nest too soon. I didn’t hear anything back from The Center or see anything on their Facebook page so I hope it was all good.
Once I got home, I had planned for a strength session but opted for a bootcamp with the kiddos instead. They did great with bodyweight exercises like squats, push ups, planks, stair jumps, tricep dips and more. We did two 10 minute run/walk intervals to break it up. Can you believe they actually requested that we do a Mom bootcamp everyday?
![My week in workouts | happyfitmama.com](http://www.happyfitmama.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/maybootcampkids.jpg)
5 mile trail run, 11:11 avg/pace
Evening flow yoga
The humidity was 100% even at 8 a.m.. I was sweating just getting dressed for my run. I thought about not taking Max with me but he gave me puppy dog eyes and I couldn’t resist.
The trail was mostly in the trees so at least we didn’t have direct sun. But still, we took it slow and easy. I spent most of the run with burning eyes thanks to a mix of allergies and sunscreen/sweat dripping into them. Even with those little annoying things, summer running is the best!
6 mile road run, 9:30 avg/pace
full body strength training
Humidity was set to high once again. I was ready for a super sweaty sweatastic run to kick off the day. I felt like kicking things up a bit with a plan of stopping at every mile to perform squat jumps, split squat jumps, bounding, and skaters because…why not? In addition, I also found myself headed towards the big ass hill in town for repeats. Because…why not? Is it wrong that I enjoyed the plyo’s? Sick…I know.
Rest day
8 mile road/trail run, 8:50 avg/pace
As someone who is used to running in the early morning, I really haven’t had to deal with full on summer sun. The sun is just starting to come up when I’m out on the road. But with my work schedule all over the place these days, I’m running at odd times. Case in point, Saturday. I had to work in the morning. When I got home, I decided to run. The kids wanted to join me on their bikes. Great! What I didn’t account for was that it was midday and 80+ degrees. And we all forgot to bring water. The last half of the run was brutal. We were all discussing what cold food and drinks we would be chugging once we got home. What I really wanted was a big margarita on the rocks with an extra salty rim. What I ended up with was a lemon popsicle, ice water and seltzer. Whomp, whomp, whomp.
8.4 mile trail run, 10:45 avg/pace
What a difference a day makes! It was only 52 degrees when Kyle and I started off on our run. It was so cold! It was good to catch up and try to solve the worlds problems. I don’t think we did but it’s good to talk things out even if it is from 6 feet or more and we have to repeat what we said multiple times to hear each other.
A morning run through the woods and fields is not a bad way to start the day.
How was your week in workouts?
Linking up with the Weekly Run Down.
The post My Week in Workouts – Summer is Here! appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.