One photographer captured the unique appearance of these girls and the Internet is left stunned

Pierre Van ZylBody, Skin, Hair & Nails


Afro-Brazilian twins Lara and Mara Bawar have swept the internet with their unique and stunning appearance. The 11-year-old sisters have albinism, a condition that is caused by the absence of the enzyme that produces melanin in the body and it affects the colour of the skin, hair, and eyes. (1)

How Their Modelling Career Started

The young sisters have modeled for Nike, designer Insanis and have appeared in Bazaar Kids and Glamour, but their first modelling job was for a music video. Brazilian photographer Vinicius Terranova watched the video and was so amazed by the remarkable beauty of the two sisters that he decided to include them in one of his projects called Flores Raras, or Rare Flowers. He said that the twins “are self-confident, intelligent and work very well.”

Vinicius selected people whose beauty is often neglected and marginalized by the beauty standards of society. Through this project, Vinicius wanted to show that an uncommon appearance is not something negative, but something beautiful. He emphasized that it’s exactly that rare feature that makes someone beautiful and unique.

Lara and Mara agree with Vinicius. They believe that albinism is beautiful and they love the colour of their skin, hair, and eyes. About the attention that their appearance is getting them, they said that they love reading the comments on their pictures. They get thousands of comments on their Instagram account which has more than 81,600 followers, a number that will definitely grow.

Beauty in Diversity

The twins have an equally beautiful older sister, 13-year-old Sheila, who doesn’t have albinism. Sheila’s dark skin beautifully contrasts her sisters’ light skin and Vinicius photographed all three sisters together to show how these contrasting colours actually work together in harmony.

Sheila loves modelling with her sisters. “We are very expressive and creative. It feels wonderful to put this out there, to communicate with people who identify with our work. We like to see our beauty being valued by its unique aspects.”

The three sisters were perfect for Vinicius Terranova’s photography project which is about beauty in diversity. In an interview for Metal, a Spanish magazine, he said that the sisters’ “love for each other is visible, their beauty is complementary in every single way and their differences coexist in harmony just like it should be every way in society.”

We all have something that is different. These three sisters are proud of their differences and they have shown that beauty can be found in things that are different and rare.

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(1) Gardner, S. S. (January 19, 2016). Hyperpigmentation, Hypopigmentation, and Your Skin.

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