Summer Vacation Comes to an End

Pierre Van Zylappreciation, happy family, happy mom, Kicks, motherhood

It’s my last night of my long awaited summer vacation. Ever since I had Toddler almost 2 years ago I have been looking forward to this summer. 
I’m so glad that Past Kicks was looking out for Future Kicks and took a shorter maternity leave to get out of residency a bit earlier. I only had 2.5 weeks to make up at the end of the year this way. There is something sad and lonely about most of your cohort leaving you behind and watching the junior residents step up and fill your roles before you’re even gone, and although I love my residency, I was definitely there 2.5 weeks too long.
This summer was glorious. I took about 6 weeks off between jobs. My husband had minimal time off to help with our move, so I was glad I had plenty of time and helpful family members to get settled in our new home in our new smaller community. The weather has been wonderful and Toddler and I settled into a routine with daily adventures to parks, pools, beaches, and libraries. We’ve spent extended weekends with family and caught up with old friends. I had to remind myself after the first week (in which we went to 3 parks in one day) that this was a time to slow down and relax – after all, we live here now (and hopefully will for a very very very long time) and the parks aren’t going anywhere. 
Tomorrow is the day I go back to work – this time as an attending physician in a brand new town in a brand new health system. I thought I would be more nervous, however I’ve kept myself so busy I haven’t had time to be nervous (something I did subconsciously I’m sure). I think I will get more nervous the night before I see my first patients unsupervised without a preceptor for the very first time after the initial orientation wraps up. 
I originally was dreading the return to work, but this weekend has been a little trying between Dog barking at neighbors and Toddler trying out some extra sass, so I do think it is time to see some grown-ups again. I’m sure the initial daycare drop off will be a nightmare (for both of us), but we have gotten over nightmare drop offs before. 
I have one cute story to share from my time off: Toddler and I were out at my parents’ favorite local coffee shop when  I learned that Toddler was actually well acquainted with all of the regulars from his times going with my parents. He was handing out fist bumps and babbling along knowingly to several older gentlemen he apparently knew. Toddler then decided (as Toddlers do), he wanted to go out the door and stand on the sidewalk to watch the goings-on outside. I followed. One of the older gentlemen held my coffee so I could follow. Standing outside lasted about 5 seconds before Toddler decided to go back in. The older gentlemen opened the door for me. I tried to explain that he didn’t need to help, otherwise he would likely be up and down 10 more times. He slowly shook his head and smiled and looked at Toddler and said “The days are long but the years are short” – which is already exactly how I feel about Toddler, and am lucky to have had these long days to spend together and look back on for years to come. 