Truths About C-Section Moms

Pierre Van ZylLearn, News + Discoveries, parenting, Pregnancy


As more and more birth stories sweep their way across blogs and social media, let’s take a moment to appreciate the unsung heroes. Here’s to the moms who didn’t get to choose their story, and for those that carefully chose what was right for them.

All birth is beautiful and neither method of bringing a baby into this world should be labeled as “better” than the other. Between natural birth and cesarean sections, both have misconceptions and fears along with a list of potential short- and long-term risks and complications.  

At the end of the day, all moms need is to take home a healthy baby, it matters less on how your baby gets here and more it everyone is safe and healthy.

Let’s take a moment to celebrate cesarean section stories, these don’t always receive the most recognition, but these women deserve applause – for there are three truths for c-sections moms.

They Are Brave

A cesarean section is a form of major surgery, and being prepped for this surgery would be scary for anyone. This mom may have had different plans for her birth story and then her plans were changed last minute. While a c-section may be “what’s best”, this mom may have to let go of the vision of how she is going to meet her baby for the first time. Something she has been building up for the last nine months. Often time’s the mother-to-be is alone in the operating room, her partner wouldn’t be allowed in until an epidural is administered and all the medical staff are in their place. This strong pregnant mom is often left feeling alone with her thoughts of what the procedure will bring. She has accepted that she will face new wounds and scars. Imagine yourself in this moment, put yourself on that table, waiting, feeling alone and possibly fearful. If you haven’t had a C-section before, take a moment to think about it. C-section moms are brave.

They Are Strong

While some C-section moms have weeks to mentally prepare, some moms only have days, hours or minutes to accept this change. Humans do not naturally cope well with sudden change. After major surgery, many of us would want to be curled up in bed with Netflix and popsicles, but these mamas now need to nurture a newborn while they recover from surgery. Emotionally and physically, C-section mamas are strong.

They are Beautiful

All pregnancies leave their mark. Some emotional, some physical. These scars are a reminder of the strength and bravery they showed while creating this new life. These moms should not try to hide their scars. All moms should be proud of their bodies and grateful for what it is capable of. C-section mamas are beautiful.

The post Truths About C-Section Moms appeared first on The Hearty Soul.