
Register as a Wholesaler and Benefit by:

  1. See Live Wholesale Prices
  2. Minimum of 6 units per month must be bought.
  3. There after we’ll even ship Single Units Directly to Your Customers from our Warehouse
  4. Also ship bulk shippers directly to customers
  5. Save up to 33% on List Prices
  6. Buy 1 Item at a Time or a Bulk Shipper of 6 or 4

Shippers won’t be split to send to customers

Register in 2 Easy Steps:

Step 1 :

Create a User Account by clicking on the “Register as Customer” Tab in the Main Menu Section.

Step 2:

Then return to this page and Complete the form below and press send.

NB: Please include your website and Physical address.

(Refresh this page to enable auto fill of your new Customer details)

We have to Manually approve and change your user role from ‘Customer’ to ‘Wholesale Customer’.

Complete the form below and Press ‘Send’

(Refresh page to have your Username and e-mail details Auto Fill after you’ve registered as a User on this Site.)

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Shortly tell us Why you want to be a Wholesaler.
    Please include your Website and Physical Address

    Are you Currently ReSelling Any of the Following Products?
    Select one Or Multiple by Pressing "CTRL" and Left Click Mouse Button

    Contact us on:

    General Queries

    Wholesaler Registration and Queries

    Contact us on:

    Order Shipment & General Order Queries

    Affiliate Registrations & Queries