Woman captures struggling delivery driver, takes to social media to help him

Pierre Van ZylMove, Personal Growth + Development

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struggling delivery driver

One woman wanted to help out a struggling delivery man with his financial difficulties. Not only did she help him, her act of kindness created a ripple effect throughout her community.

A Struggling Delivery Man

Jennifer Weiss of Plain City, Utah ordered her groceries online for someone to deliver. When the delivery truck arrived, she was surprised to see an elderly man carrying her items to her door. As she watched him through her doorbell camera, she noticed that he was struggling to get up the steps.

“It made me kind of feel guilty, to have someone else deliver stuff, just cuz’ I didn’t want to go to the store,” said Weiss [1].

Weiss began wondering who he was, and why someone in his physical condition was doing deliveries. She also thought about the forthcoming winter, and wondered how he was going to navigate driveways and stairs when the snow fell and things got icy.

She posted the video to her social media in hopes of finding the man who delivered her groceries. Luckily, one of his relatives saw the post and connected them.

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Who is the Delivery Man?

Weiss found out that the man’s name is Larry. He is a war veteran who had recently had a stroke. His roof needed repairs, so Larry took a job as a delivery man to raise the necessary funds.

“I had a stroke in June, so I was just making some extra money cuz’ our swamp cooler blew off our roof, we have a big hole, I got it taped up, needed some extra money to fix that,” he said [1].

An Act of Kindness

Upon posting the video, a few of Weiss’s friends agreed that Larry shouldn’t be doing deliveries. Weiss figured that if they all pooled their money together, they could offer him a big enough tip to pay for his roof. That way, he would no longer have to work in that capacity.

This is when word of Larry’s situation got out. People began sharing Weiss’s post on their only social media and wanted to help as well. She posted his Venmo information, and donations began pouring in.

“It just blew up like crazy, there’s so many nice people around here,” said Larry [1].

Thanks to the kindness of the people in his community, Larry was able to pay for his roof repairs, and no longer has to work as a delivery man. The donations exceeded what he actually needed for the repairs, so now he’s sharing them with people in need [2].

“It just blew up like crazy, there’s so many nice people around here,” he said [1].

Weiss is delighted at the way things have gone.

“It may seem so small, it may seem like it couldn’t amount to much, but you just never know when it could cause a snowball effect, a huge chain reaction,” she explained [1].

She added that just by doing one small thing, you could make someone’s day, or life. Your actions could be the positive that they need.

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The post Woman captures struggling delivery driver, takes to social media to help him appeared first on The Hearty Soul.