Woman Celebrates Losing 300 Pounds, Shares Before-and-After Photos

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Learn, Personal Growth + Development, Weight Loss

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Right now, we’re halfway through 2018, so let’s start with a question many of us have been avoiding: Have you kept up your New Year’s Resolutions? All right, that was a rhetorical question… But there is one couple we can hear across the internet screaming a resounding “YES!�

On January 1, 2016, Terre Haute, Indiana couple Lexi and Danny Reed weighed a combined total of 765 pounds. At the time, Danny was at a more manageable weight of 280 whereas his wife weighed 485 pounds. Now, what started as a New Year’s resolution has morphed into one of the most inspirational, motivational, viral accounts on Instagram called “Fat Girl Fed Up.�

How Lexi and Danny’s Weight Loss Journey Began

#throwbackthursday to my wedding bra & when they fitted me into a 52F bra. When I married @discoveringdanny on October 3rd, 2015 – I weighed 485lbs. I always wanted to lose weight, but it wasnt until January 2016 I fully committed & then lost 300lbs. Nothing about shopping for a wedding dress at 485lbs was glamorous. Between not being able to find a dress to getting fitted for a bra – nobody knew how to treat a plus size bride. Nobody knew how to make me feel like a bride, and not my size. Thank god I was strong enough to know my worth, and kept searching for my 34W dress even though I questioned if I would ever find one. I debated for a long time about opening my own plus size bridal shop after my experiences dress shopping, but nothing they said to me, and no judgemental looks could make me feel any less. Skinny or heavy I was getting to marry my bestfriend after 10 years. Skinny or heavy I knew I would feel beautiful on my wedding day. Skinny or heavy I knew it was going to be a day i'd never forger & one of the best days of my life. Skinny or heavy – I was worthy of someone who loved me for my heart and not my size. Never make anyone feel any less because they're not a size 0 or what society says they should be. I CHOSE to get healthy because I loved myself enough to change my life. Not because I was unhappy with who I was before. I'm super proud of the girl who fought to get where i am now. I chose to get healthy for me, not anyone else. Love yourself enough to live your best life – start today! #obesetobeast #dietbet #fatgirlfedup #fedup #sweat #dance #goals #weightloss #gym #weightlossjourney #diet #extremeweightloss #swolemate #fitcouple #instafit #food #lowcarb #countingcalories #progress #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #wedding #selflove #weightlosstransformation #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fattofit #transformation #fitspo #weightlosstransformation

A post shared by Lexiiii � (@fatgirlfedup) on

Knowing that their health and potentially life was in danger, the mutually made a choice to change their lifestyle habits (and, ultimately, their world). The first day following New Year’s Eve 2016, they stuck to their guns after a friend challenged them to an entire month of no eating out.

Before, the high school sweethearts would come home from work, sit down, eat fast food, relax in front of the television, and not worry about anything. They enjoyed it, too. It was comfortable, but they knew deep down it was a lifestyle that could lead them to an early grave.

“The first 30 days we didn’t eat out. We didn’t party with our friends or anything anymore; we didn’t have cheat meals. We just were constantly healthy,� Lexi said.[1] “I think after that first 30 days, it just became so much easier because we had learned what we couldn’t eat. From there on, it wasn’t a resolution anymore; it just became our lifestyle.�

If there’s one word that can sum it all up, it’s lifestyle. Unlike other stories you might here where someone will start a certain diet or finally find that one fat-burning workout, the Reeds tweaked their lifestyle habits from every angle – diet, exercise, social life, marriage.

The Reeds’ Helpful Tips for Successful Weight Loss

#transformationtuesday -392? since @dannyreed5 & I set a New Years Resolution together 1/1/16. We didnt have a meal plan, surgery, personal trainer, but what we did have was each other & the motivation within to work hard every single day. We wanted to be parents in the future and live a longer life together. We had no idea that in just over a year 6 months we would be a completely different couple. We may have lost the weight but we have grown closer together. Pound by pound, step by step, day by day – we have transformed our lives and molded our bodies into the people we've always wanted to be. This man has been by my side for the last 10 years and treated me no different at 485lbs than he does at 182lbs. We all deserve to live a life we are in love with and have people around that make it worth living. We hope others will hear our story & decide not to give up! ——————————————————————————— Dietbet just started but you can join for 14 days after! Time to get back on track! Thanksgiving is over – dont let Thanksgiving stop your goals! Fedup & ready to change? Time to finish 2017 strong! Time to reset after thanksgiving, win money for christmas & rock those outfits when you see all your family! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including fedup tees, lulagems.com $100 wardrobe, @proteinmilkshake protein, & get paid!  Link in bio or dietbet.com/fatgirlfedup #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit #fitcouple #dietbet #diet #selflove #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #fitspo  #countingcalories #motivation #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #diet #thickfit  #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss #anytimefitness

A post shared by Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) on

1) Eliminate Processed Foods

“We started cooking, meal prepping, tracking our calories, and reading nutrition labels.�

2) Get Your Daily Physical Activity

Lexi started by going to the gym and using the elliptical five times a week for 30 minutes. It can be even simpler if you walk around your own neighborhood!

3) Hold Each Other Accountable

Find a lifestyle buddy. Lexi “had a buddy system, so every step of the way, every pound, we were there to motivate each other. We kept each other accountable.�

Where Are They Now?

#transformationtuesday with my #swolemate @discoveringdanny. Picture on the left was our engagement pictures in 2015. I never felt like I weighed nearly 500lbs and even seeing old photos of myself sometimes I dont feel as if I was ever that heavy. I don't regret who I was before because those struggles strengthened me and made me who I am today. However, the sad truth is no matter what I thought mentally I was reminded of my weight daily when I was a prisoner in my own body and held back from the better life I wanted. This journey has been tough but it's even harder when you feel alone. Forever thankful for my now husband who's always loved me no matter what size and never saw me any differently no matter what I weighed on a scale. Break free from your prison and live the life your being held back from – start today! ——————————————————————————– Lets get paid to get lean in Summer 2018! Fedup & ready to spend the rest of this year fighting back for your health? Start summer strong with our tribe! Next dietbet starts 6/25! I joined my first dietbet in January 2016 when I started my journey & it helped me change my life! Time to change yours too & make those resolutions stick! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including skype session with me, @fedupfam tees, @doughbardoughnuts, & get paid!  Link in bio or dietbet.com/fatgirlfedup #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit  #dietbet #diet #plussize #fitspo  #motivation #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #fedupfam #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #fedupfam #fedup #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss

A post shared by Lexiiii � (@fatgirlfedup) on

Two and a half years later, both Lexi (182 lbs.) and Danny (191 lbs.) are both leading changed lives! Danny went down from a size 46 to 32 and Lexi went from a size 28 to a size 10. After losing her first 100 pounds, Lexi even decided to start documenting their weight loss journey at FatGirlFedUp and DiscoveringDanny.

It wasn’t a cakewalk either. Each of them had to face the fear of walking into a gym knowing they would be stared at. They had to overcome food cravings. They had to face looking in the mirror every single day. But Lexi and Danny did it together and came out on top.

“I never expected to have such an impact,� she said.[2] “I just wanted to get healthy.�

Their story has been incredible, so much so that Lexi has amassed a whopping 780,000 followers on Instagram (not including Danny’s 75,200 followers). If you look at any of her posts, you can find Lexi sharing valuable advice with others trying to make similar lifestyle changes, some of which include:

  • Not being afraid to try new foods
  • Choosing to have a positive mental attitude
  • Starting to set goals – not tomorrow or next week – today
  • Not having to go through these changes alone
  • Fueling your body with healthy foods

“Going into 2018 I have nothing but a newfound happiness for this life I am living. I no longer am a prisoner in my own body and instead of just existing in my own life, I’m finally alive. Every day I wake up is a blessing.�

Whether it’s 2018, 2020 or 2030, we hope you find encouragement in this no matter what you’re going through.

[1] This Couple Dropped 395 Lbs. Together: ‘We Fell in Love with Taking Care of Ourselves’. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://people.com/health/this-couple-dropped-395-lbs-together-we-fell-in-love-with-taking-care-of-ourselves/

[2] Couple loses 400 pounds in inspirational weight loss journey: ‘Every day I wake up is a blessing’. (2017, December 08). Retrieved from https://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/couple-loses-400-pounds-inspirational-weight-loss-journey/story?id=51653532

The post Woman Celebrates Losing 300 Pounds, Shares Before-and-After Photos appeared first on The Hearty Soul.