Podcast 283 | Sentimental Stuff

Pierre Van ZylMinimalism, Podcast

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By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua and Ryan discuss minimizing and letting go of sentimental stuff, and they answer the following questions:

  • How do we tactfully and appropriately address loved ones regarding stuff they’ve given us that we’re giving away—especially those things they consider of significant sentimental value?
  • How do we avoid arguments with loved ones regarding possessions?
  • Why does our brain try so hard to hold us back from releasing sentimental possessions?
  • What do we do with all of the things associated with a loved one when we’ve lost them in a particularly tragic, traumatic way?

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Minimal Maxims

Joshua & Ryan’s pithy, shareable, less-than-140-character responses. Find more quotes from The Minimalists at MinimalMaxims.com.

  • “There are no shoulds—only coulds.” —Joshua Fields Millburn
  • “Our memories are not in our things; our memories are inside us.” —Joshua Fields Millburn
  • “Letting go is part of the grieving process.” —Joshua Fields Millburn
  • “Letting go is not something you do; letting go is something you stop doing.” —Joshua Fields Millburn
  • “If we let go too soon, we fall; if we hold on to long, we stall.” —Joshua Fields Millburn
  • “Letting go is an act of self-compassion.” —Ryan Nicodemus
  • “Sometimes letting go of shoulds is more freeing than letting go of stuff.” —Ryan Nicodemus

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