Low Glycemic Diet: Benefits, Foods & Sample Plan

Jillian BabcockArticles, Diet, Eating Plans & Lists, glycemic index, glycemic index chart, glycemic load, high glycemic foods, low carb foods, low glycemic diet, low glycemic foods, low glycemic index foods, Nutrition, slow carb diet

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Has your doctor recently recommended a low glycemic diet to help treat a condition you’re dealing with, such as high cholesterol or diabetes? Or maybe you’re hoping to reduce your intake of sugar, processed grains and other “high glycemic foods” in order to reach a healthier weight? No matter what your reason is for wanting to eat a better diet … Read More

What Does Kosher Mean? Kosher Food & Kosher Diet Guidelines

Christine BabcockArticles, Diet, Eating Plans & Lists, kosher, kosher definition, kosher food, kosher kitchen, kosher meaning, what does kosher mean, what is kosher, what makes something kosher

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If you’re like many Americans today, you’ve wondered about kosher foods. What does kosher mean? You see the labels on packaged foods around the grocery store, but maybe you aren’t exactly sure what a kosher certification entails. Kosher food is meant to be pure and safe for consumption. As it becomes more difficult to distinguish clean versus tampered foods these … Read More

What Is Ketosis? Hint: It Can Help You Burn Fat & Suppress Your Appetite

Jillian BabcockDiet, Eating Plans & Lists, ketosis, Nutrition, nutritional ketosis, symptoms of ketosis, Weight Loss

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We’ve longed been told that calorie restriction, increasing exercise and reducing dietary fat intake are the keys to weight loss. But, if you’ve ever attempted to control your weight by subsisting on fewer calories — especially from mostly bland “diet foods”— you’re already probably aware that this typically produces minimal results and is extremely hard to stick with long-term or … Read More

Keto Diet Food List, Including the Best vs. Worst Keto Foods

Jillian BabcockArticles, Diet, Eating Plans & Lists, keto, keto diet, keto diet food list, ketogenic diet, ketone, ketones, ketosis diet, Nutrition

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Unlike many fad diets that come and go with very limited rates of long-term success, the ketogenic diet has been practiced for more than nine decades (since the 1920s) and is based upon a solid understanding of physiology and nutrition science. The keto diet works for such a high percentage of people because it targets several key, underlying causes of weight gain … Read More