Why Parents Should Spend Less Money on Toys and Take More Family Vacations

Pierre Van ZylLearn, parenting, Personal Growth + Development

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Halloween has passed; you survived Thanksgiving, and now… Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! And with that, so is a lot of spending. Every single year, families will spend – and, for some, arguably waste – hundreds or thousands of dollars on toys. It doesn’t help that Christmas is conveniently tucked between Black Friday, Cyber…

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Grandfather Pens Powerful Open Letter to His Grandkids About Childhood

Pierre Van ZylLearn, parenting, Personal Growth + Development

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There is something about grandparents’ wisdom that speaks volumes. You can be a wide-eyed grandchild or a jaded adult – grandparents can cut through anything with their life experience and truths. That’s why The Hearty Soul has posted many articles sharing the wisdom of people with lifetimes of experience. For example: 22 Pieces of Life…

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Bride Reads Cheating Fiancé’s Text Messages Instead of Vows at Their Wedding

Pierre Van ZylLearn, News + Discoveries, Personal Growth + Development

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Imagine… After months of planning, endless consultations, drowning in details about color schemes and décor, all the fittings to make sure the wedding dress fits perfectly… that it was all for nothing. Every now and then, you hear wedding day horror stories about a bride or groom getting cold feet and not showing up. In…

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Cancer Took 27-Year-Old Holly Butcher’s Life – This Is Her Touching Life Advice

Pierre Van ZylCancer, Heal, Learn, Personal Growth + Development

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It’s a question that everyone inevitably asks themselves at some point in their life: Why do bad things happen to good people? Many people start looking for answers to this question later in life. But, others begin much earlier. One of those people was Holly Butcher, a 27-year-old from Australia who was diagnosed with a…

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15 Reasons Why Your Aunt Is One of the Most Important People in the World

Pierre Van ZylLearn, parenting, Personal Growth + Development

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Everyone has that favorite aunt – maybe you are that favorite aunt! Well, today we want to give some praise to all the amazing aunts that have impacted our lives. We’ll even go so far as to that behind every incredible human being, there’s an incredible aunt. It’s true. Of course, parents and grandparents have a…

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Female Empaths: 11 Reasons Why Men Cannot Handle Them

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Learn, Mental Health, Personal Growth + Development, Women’s Health

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Everyone knows an empath. Just reading those four words, there are likely one or two people who pop right into your head. One of the reasons that is, is because empaths are different than the average person. When people are different – for some reason – their lives are filled with a unique set of…

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Why Raising Kids Without Extended Family Nearby Sucks

Pierre Van ZylLearn, parenting, Personal Growth + Development

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If we asked 100 people for their definitions of freedom, we could very well get 100 different answers. We would wager that one of the answers would have to do with the first time you moved out to live with your partner. No kids, no fights, no worries – complete freedom. But, as you would…

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3 Things Everyone Can Learn from Melissa McCarthy’s Daily Routine

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Healthy Aging + General Wellness, Learn, Mental Health, News + Discoveries, Personal Growth + Development

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Hollywood’s landscape has shifted drastically in the last few years, especially in terms of famous actresses, one of whom is Melissa McCarthy. Not only is she being recognized for how much money she is making, but for the surprising way she conducts her day to day life. Unlike many Hollywood stars’ jam-packed schedules where it…

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Japanese Minimalism: 4 Videos Proving How Minimalist Japan Truly Is

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Home + Garden, Learn, Make, Mental Health, Personal Growth + Development

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Over the last few years, the minimalist movement has grown quite maximally and led people to completely rethink the way they choose to live their lives. Minimalism has even allowed hoarders to take their lives back and helped people to value relationships with family and friends again instead of material possessions. It is a trend,…

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Don’t Ignore These 65 Signs of Abuse

Pierre Van ZylLearn, Move, Personal Growth + Development

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Overview You probably know many of the more obvious signs of mental and emotional abuse. But when you’re in the midst of it, it can be easy to miss the persistent undercurrent of abusive behavior. Psychological abuse involves a person’s attempts to fri…

Sibling Rivalry: 7 Parenting Tips to Help Build Stronger Sibling Bonds

Pierre Van ZylLearn, parenting, Personal Growth + Development

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Nothing feels more crushing than seeing family fight… What’s worse is when parents see their own children at each other’s throats – and over what!? Whose turn it is to wash dishes, who got the bigger bowl of ice cream for dessert, how long the other person has been using the family iPad, how the…

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Popular Cleaner Goes On Holiday Paid for By Students So He Can See His Family

Pierre Van ZylLearn, Personal Growth + Development

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“It’s about making the most of every single day, because no one knows how long you might have or if your life might end tomorrow — and for me that’s about making others happy.” Those are the words of Herman Gordon, a custodian at Bristol University. Herman was born in Jamaica and emigrated to Britain…

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Just 2 Minutes High-Intensity Exercise Could Be as Beneficial as 30 Minutes of Moderate Activity

Pierre Van ZylFitness + Yoga, Learn, Move, Personal Growth + Development, Weight Loss

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Yes, we know it’s good for us but trying to squeeze in an hour at the gym in between a 40-hour work week, family commitments, and a social life can feel near-on impossible. That’s where high-intensity interval training (or HIIT) comes in. HIIT workouts have become increasingly popular in recent years. If you’ve never heard…

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The Tortoise and the Hare: How to Form Habits Slowly and Steadily

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Health Awareness, Learn, News + Discoveries, Personal Growth + Development

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How many times have you heard the age-old saying, “Slow and steady wins the race?â€� Probably hundreds. It’s a simple yet profound piece of wisdom that gets thrown around a lot (probably too much). But, people underestimate how much those six little words can impact their lives. Aesop’s Fable: The Tortoise and the Hare You’ve…

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Douglas Adams’ Story Teaches a Powerful Lesson on Judging Others

Pierre Van ZylLearn, Personal Growth + Development

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We have all experienced moments in life that were so humbling or embarrassing – or both! – that you remember them forever. Eventually, a fitting opportunity to share your story arises, and this is one of those times. Now, it’s not one of our personal experiences but it still serves as an excellent reminder to…

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You Can Get PTSD By Staying in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Learn, Mental Health, Personal Growth + Development

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Recognizing the signs When thinking about abuse, physical abuse may come to mind first. But abuse can come in many forms. Emotional abuse is just as serious as physical abuse and often precedes it. Sometimes they happen together. If you’re wondering whether it’s happening to you, here are some of the signs: yelling name-calling spewing insults or…

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A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Your Body’s 7 Chakras

Pierre Van ZylPersonal Growth + Development

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Chakras date back to 1500 to 1000 BC, however, they have become more well-known with the emergence of yoga and New Age philosophy in today’s society. Known as cakra in Sanskrit, chakra means wheel. There are 7 main chakras in the body that correspond with different energy centers in the body. These chakras are thought…

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According To Psychologists, Staying Friends With An Ex Is The Worst Idea Ever

Pierre Van ZylLearn, Personal Growth + Development

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Science, in keeping with its tradition of confirming things we already knew, now says that staying friends with your ex is a pretty bad idea. Sure, it’s hard to end a relationship and you always want to keep important people in your life. Is it really so wrong? Well, according to Nina Atwood, a therapist and…

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6 Phrases Narcissists and Sociopaths Use to Make You Feel Crazy

Pierre Van ZylLearn, Personal Growth + Development

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I think at some point or another, we’ve all had run-ins with sociopaths. People who get into your head, maybe seem innocent, but simply want to manipulate you for their benefit. Sometimes they’re family members, sometimes friends, members of the clergy, or coworkers; they really can appear nearly anywhere in your life. When it comes…

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The Weird Science of Nightclubs

Pierre Van ZylLearn, Personal Growth + Development

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Biologists are familiar with the term lek, which refers to a gathering of the males of a species for the purposes of finding suitable mates. Many biologists and psychologists have (perhaps in a tongue-in-cheek way) referred to nightclubs as the ultimate lek for humans. (1) Gad Saad, Ph.D. likes to say, “Nightclubs are uniquely interesting in…

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Why Fame Can’t Make You Happy (and 6 Science-Backed Things That Will)

Pierre Van ZylLearn, Personal Growth + Development

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Yann Arthus Bertrand spent 40 years taking compelling photographs the world over. But there was one thing he couldn’t understand- why do humans have such a hard time living with each other? What is it about humanity that makes life so hard to understand? Why does each generation have to re-learn the same lessons over…

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30 Things People Regret Most Often When They’re Older

Pierre Van ZylHealthy Aging + General Wellness, Learn, Personal Growth + Development

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When people come to the end of their life there are a number of common regrets which surface. Here are a list of 30 regrets people may have about the way they have lived their life: 1. Less Traveled People wish they had traveled more. Big trips with friends and family – to Disney, Paris, or…

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