8 unexpected foods that will start erasing dark spots when you rub them on your face

Pierre Van ZylBody, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Beauty, My Body, My Food, My Lifestyle, Skin, Hair & Nails

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This fantastic article was written by Sophie Addison, a popular blogger and skincare expert. We encourage you to check her out on Facebook, and Pinterest. No one has perfect skin, as there are countless factors which affect its overall appearance, including prolonged exposure to the sun, the usage of low-quality cosmetics and associated medical conditions…. View Article

The post 8 unexpected foods that will start erasing dark spots when you rub them on your face appeared first on The Hearty Soul.

8 unexpected foods that will start erasing dark spots when you rub them on your face

Pierre Van ZylBody, Hearty Alternatives, Hearty Beauty, My Body, My Food, My Lifestyle, Skin, Hair & Nails

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This fantastic article was written by Sophie Addison, a popular blogger and skincare expert. We encourage you to check her out on Facebook, and Pinterest. No one has perfect skin, as there are countless factors which affect its overall appearance, including prolonged exposure to the sun, the usage of low-quality cosmetics and associated medical conditions…. View Article

The post 8 unexpected foods that will start erasing dark spots when you rub them on your face appeared first on The Hearty Soul.

3 surprising ways to use ice that you had no idea about

Pierre Van ZylBody, Skin, Hair & Nails

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Often, the simplest things in life are the things we need to hold the closest, whether it’s the subtle gatherings with family and friends, or immersing ourselves in the basic tasks that bring us joy.  This rule of simplicity often applies to health as well. Why soak your pores in man-made chemicals when you can use… View Article

The post 3 surprising ways to use ice that you had no idea about appeared first on The Hearty Soul.

5 plants that can humidify your home and create the indoor perfect climate

Pierre Van ZylBody, Gardening, Home, Lifestyle, Pets, Seasonal, Skin, Hair & Nails

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Can you relate to those times where you can’t seem to get comfortable inside your home? Maybe the air is too dry or overly humid, or maybe it feels like you’re surrounded by an old dust-filled air filter. In either case, the wrong kind of air (which may differ from person to person) can lead… View Article

The post 5 plants that can humidify your home and create the indoor perfect climate appeared first on The Hearty Soul.

5 plants that can humidify your home and create the indoor perfect climate

Pierre Van ZylBody, Gardening, Home, Lifestyle, Pets, Seasonal, Skin, Hair & Nails

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Can you relate to those times where you can’t seem to get comfortable inside your home? Maybe the air is too dry or overly humid, or maybe it feels like you’re surrounded by an old dust-filled air filter. In either case, the wrong kind of air (which may differ from person to person) can lead… View Article

The post 5 plants that can humidify your home and create the indoor perfect climate appeared first on The Hearty Soul.

14 foods that will help you look 10 years younger

Pierre Van ZylBody, Cancer, Detoxification, eczema, Food, Heart, Hearty Body, Hearty Food, Hearty Lifestyle, Hearty Therapies, Hormone, leaky gut, Lifestyle, Other, Psoriasis, Recipes, Skin, Hair & Nails, Superfoods, Teas, Weight Loss

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Like it or not, aging is a fact of life. It’s better than the alternative we say to ourselves. That doesn’t mean that we can’t age gracefully, however, and look beautiful no matter what decade of life we are in. Your skin is a complex three-layered organ that is exposed to both intrinsic (within the body)… View Article

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Stop using regular wax strips! Try this 2-ingredient turmeric wax to remove facial hair in 5 minutes

Pierre Van ZylBody, Hearty Beauty, Hearty Body, Skin, Hair & Nails

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This fantastic article was written by Sophie Addison, a popular blogger and skincare expert. We encourage you to check her out on Facebook, and Pinterest. Unwanted facial hair is a problem that many women have to deal with, especially after a certain age or after going through some changes (menopause). Women who suffer from hormonal… View Article

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Is your printer giving you cancer? Here’s what toxic fumes do to your lungs

Pierre Van ZylAllergies, Expert Question Group, My Body, Skin, Hair & Nails

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Computers and printers are common in the workplace, schools, and homes. There so common in fact that we may not think about them as having a potential health risk. Like tobacco smoke, mold and bacteria, printer particles from toner are so microscopically small that they can be inhaled into your lungs and have an adverse… View Article

The post Is your printer giving you cancer? Here’s what toxic fumes do to your lungs appeared first on The Hearty Soul.

10 most powerful natural antibiotics known to mankind

Pierre Van ZylAthlete's Foot, Body, Candida, Cold & Flu, Fungus, Seasonal, Skin, Hair & Nails

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The introduction of antibiotics to the field of medicine has saved countless lives, turning serious and life-threatening infections into temporary ones. However, with the millions, if not billions of prescriptions for antibiotic drugs that doctors have filled out over the years there comes a serious price: microorganisms are adapting to our techniques. We now have… View Article

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9 incredible uses that prove apple cider vinegar is the best home remedy of them all

Pierre Van ZylAthlete's Foot, Body, Cold & Flu, Dental Health, Digestion, Seasonal, Skin, Hair & Nails

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Apple cider vinegar is one of those substances you hear about all the time, it seems to be used for everything and anything nowadays! However, below are seven incredible ways you can use the ingenious yellow substance to cure many of your ailments. First of all, let’s find out more about this amazing liquid and… View Article

The post 9 incredible uses that prove apple cider vinegar is the best home remedy of them all appeared first on The Hearty Soul.