How to beat the 3pm snaccident

Pierre Van Zyleat, Health + Nutrition, healthy eating, love, mindful eating, relax, snacking, Snacks, tips, top tips, wind down


If losing weight is your goal, hear this: you will not do it through starvation, obsessively counting calories or just wishing that magically a few kilos might fall off. You know the drill: move more, eat well, sleep 8 hours and repeat. While it can be frustrating to look at it as a sustainable lifestyle change…

Adaptogens 101 + a Warming Mushroom Elixir Recipe

Pierre Van Zyladaptogens, antioxidant, blender, Health + Nutrition, healthy eating, Interview, love, mushrooms, Recipes, refined sugar free, stress relief, superfood, Superfoods, top tips, wind down


So amongst the turmeric, moringa and various other superfoods, adaptogens have made their way into the spotlight this year (hey we picked it). Bragging rights aside, adaptogens have some pretty cool benefits and also make an amazing hot chocolate (if you haven’t had reishi and cacao powder together yet then get on it). So we asked…