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- Does Sex Relieve Stress? 4 Science-Based Reasons We Say Yes
- Thanks… But There’s Still a HUGE Problem
- This Trick is Helping Women Break the Stress-Sex Cycle
Sometimes words like ‘tired,’ ‘stressed out,’ and ‘busy’ just don’t cut it. At this point, most adults have a lifestyle of chronic stress. So much so that it’s actually quite a shock to the system once you’ve finally caught a moment to relax (wait, is this what I’m supposed to feel like?).
It’s no wonder chronic illnesses like joint pain, insomnia, high blood pressure and obesity are so rampant. A culture of stress doesn’t come without plenty of side effects. It’s a serious, even life-threatening problem that you simply don’t have the luxury of ignoring. Luckily, fighting chronic stress can be quite fun…sexy, even! That’s right, we consider great sex to be the best natural way to beat chronic stress and anxiety.
Does Sex Relieve Stress? 4 Science-Based Reasons We Say Yes
We understand that most people don’t feel interested in sex when they’re stressed out, but making an effort to get yourself in the mood can help break the cycle of high stress and low libido. There’s a big pay-off!
1. Sex Lowers Stress-Related Blood Pressure Spikes
Researchers know that physical affection leads to higher oxytocin levels and has the bonus effect of lower blood pressure levels in women- especially after menopause. (1,2). One team of scientists measured the blood pressure rates of people doing public speaking- those who had sex had the lowest blood pressure rates, followed by people who masturbated; but people who had no sex life at all had the worst stress-related high blood pressure (4)
2. Intimacy Puts The Brakes On Your Cortisol Levels
Oxytocin also has the effect of lowering stress response and can be helpful in reducing anxiety (4). In 2008, researchers found that couples who were intimate and affectionate with each other throughout the week had significantly lower cortisol levels than other couples- and the effect was especially noticeable when it came to work-related stress (5)
Oxytocin has even been suggested as a potential treatment for serious social phobias and post-partum depression because of its effect on mood and stress. (6)
3. Better Sex, Better Sleep, Better Stress Management
Combined with a cocktail of other hormones (dopamine, estrogen, and prolactin, for example), oxytocin from sex can noticeably improve your sleep quality. Of course, regularly getting a good night’s sleep, in turn, can better equip your body and brain to handle stressful situations (7,8).
4. Endorphins Relieve Pain and Make You Feel Great
If you count sex as an exercise (sure, why not? Most women burn about 69 calories), you’re already familiar with the general feel-good after effects that endorphins bring. Endorphins, most well known for the “runner’s high” effect, are actually a naturally occurring opioid in the body- they can reduce pain, and they’re thought to be involved in managing stress hormones. (9)
Researchers suggested that the endorphins released after orgasm can actually serve as the body’s natural analgesic and can help sufferers of migraines and cluster headaches find relief (10)- what a great bonus to those cozy, happy vibes.
Thanks…But There’s Still a HUGE Problem
This is the part where you say, “But if it were that easy to have a great sex life, I’d have one already! How do I actually get those stress-busting benefits when my libido is basically non-existent?”
We know.
Life has a way of getting in the way, plus the majority of women experience common obstacles of enjoyable sex like vaginal dryness, pain, or dramatic loss of libido. And when you’re feeling stressed out and overwhelmed? That’s a huge issue for women especially.
In fact, when you’re stressed out, your body actually lowers your sex drive on purpose in an effort to help you deal with whatever “emergency” is triggering your fight-or-flight response(11).
That’s why when real women find a trick that truly helps them overcome those physical and emotional barriers and have great sex, they can’t help but share their secret! We love Mariana’s totally relatable experience of trying to overcome anxiety and have more enjoyable sex- here’s what worked for her:
The Secret to Breaking the Stress Cycle
So what made the big difference for Mariana? She challenged herself to try Awaken for 5 days.
Awaken is a 100% organic “pre-lube” made specifically for women’s unique needs. Consider it a “pre-foreplay” massage that creates deep relaxation & increased blood flow in intimate areas allows for enhanced sensation, while also stimulating natural lubrication to help relieve tension, discomfort, and dryness.
The effects come jointly from:
- Kava Kava, a root native to the South Pacific Islands and well known for its relaxing, pain-relieving and stress-relieving properties (12,13)
- Full spectrum hemp oil, known for its pro-serotonin, anti-anxiety effects and pain-relief thanks to CBD
- and a blend of organic herbs and spices: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, peppermint, cacao, and vanilla (it smells like the best mint-chocolate dessert you’ve ever had)
Watch Marysia Miernowska, master herbalist, explain how each ingredient was carefully chosen for the best experience:
Hearty Soul readers can claim 15% off their entire order between July 16 and August 17 using the promo code: “HeartySoul“. Thanks, Foria!
Here’s the thing. Most of us don’t have the energy to stage a complete overhaul of our lifestyle. But with the effects of chronic stress as serious as they are, it’s important to do something. So if there’s a simple step you can take that can reduce stress and anxiety, boost your mood, and truly enjoy intimacy again too, we absolutely think it’s worth trying!
This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is for information only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions about your medical condition and/or current medication. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment because of something you have read here.
Image Source:
(1) JHSB, 2016 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5052677/
(2) UNCHH, 2015 https://uncch.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/more-frequent-partner-hugs-and-higher-oxytocin-levels-are-linked-
(3) Biological Psychology, 2006 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301051105000736
(4) Cell Metabolism, 2007 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1550413107000691
(5) Psychosomatic Medicine, 2008 https://journals.lww.com/PSYCHOSOMATICMEDICINE/ABSTRACT/2008/10000/POSITIVE_COUPLE_INTERACTIONS_AND_DAILY_CORTISOL_.7.ASPX
(6) Medical News Today https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/275795.php
(7) JAMA Psychiatry 2000 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/article-abstract/481665
(8) Medical News Today https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/316954.php?sr
(9) Europe’s Journal of Psychology 2008 https://ejop.psychopen.eu/article/view/430/html
(10) International Headache Society 2013 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0333102413476374
(11) Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/how-the-mind-heals-the-body/201412/the-stress-sex-connection
The post Hands Down the Best Natural Way to Beat Stress & Anxiety appeared first on The Hearty Soul.