Healthy Stalk: 5 Health Benefits of Celery

Pierre Van Zyleat, Evidence Based



Thanks to its low-calorie content, celery has been a popular food among dieters for decades. There is much more to this crunchy vegetable than just a high water content. There are actually a number of health benefits of celery, and you may want to consider adding it into your weekly produce haul.

The Health Benefits of Celery

Celery is approximately 95 percent water and is naturally low in calories, carbohydrates, and fat. While it isn’t a significant source of many vitamins and minerals, it does provide a good dose of vitamin K (as K1).

A 100g serving of celery (about 1 cup chopped) contains the following:

Calories: 14
Fat: 0.2 grams
Carbohydrates: 3 grams
Fiber: 1.6 grams
Protein: 0.7 grams
Calcium: 40 milligrams (3 percent of your daily value)
Potassium: 260 milligrams (6 percent of your daily value) [1]

Despite its low-calorie content, the health benefits of celery are numerous. These benefits are as follows:

1. Celery Helps You Stay Hydrated

Because it’s so high in water, eating celery can help you stay hydrated. In fact, a one-cup serving of celery provides you with a half cup of water. Celery’s water content is also why the vegetable is so low in calories, making it a popular snack among people who are trying to watch their calorie intake [2].

Related: Eat Your Water: 13 of the Most Hydrating Foods

2. Celery Can Aid in Weight Loss

The high water content in celery is the reason it contains only fourteen calories in a one-cup serving. Like other water-rich vegetables, this may make it beneficial for weight loss [3].

The fiber content may also support weight loss, since eating high-fiber foods can contribute to satiety and help you feel fuller, longer [4].

3. Celery Contains Antioxidants

Celery contains over a dozen different types of antioxidant nutrients. These include caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, apigenin, luteolin, tannin, saponin, and kaempferol. Antioxidants remove disease-causing free radicals from your body, which can help lower your risk for several chronic health conditions, including cancer [5].

4. Celery Contains Fiber

The soluble fiber in celery can help lower your cholesterol and blood pressure. It does this by picking up excess cholesterol in your gut and pushing it out during the elimination process [6]. One study also showed that giving patients celery seed extract for six weeks could also reduce blood pressure [7].

Additionally, the fiber content in celery can support a healthy digestive system. Eating fiber can help keep your bowel movement regular, which reduces constipation and keeps your bowels healthy [6].

5. Celery is Anti-Inflammatory

Celery is rich in phytonutrients that have anti-inflammatory properties. In particular, celery is a significant source of flavanols and flavone antioxidants [8].

A study from the University of Maryland Medical Center suggests that the flavonoids in celery may help prevent the growth of unwanted gut bacteria that causes inflammation. This, in turn, reduces the risk of gastritis, which is inflammation of the stomach lining [9].

Read: 5 Health Benefits of Horseradish Root

Are There Health Benefits to Celery Juice Better?

Over the last few years, celery juice has become extremely popular. Celebrities and influencers everywhere have been hopping on board the celery juice trend, touting benefits such as boosting the immune system, supporting digestion, improving the look of your skin, and even improving your performance in workouts.

But is celery juice that much better than simply eating celery? According to Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, not really.

“I think it’s fine to do, but I don’t think it’s essential,” she says. “You’ll get similar benefits from eating celery and plenty of other fresh veggies in a variety of ways throughout the day.” [10]

Instead of drinking celery juice, she suggests blending raw celery into smoothies along with other fruits and vegetables. This way, you also get the fiber, which you don’t get from celery juice. 

Sass offers other ways to incorporate more celery into your diet, including adding it to omelettes, or simply munching on it to satisfy a “crunch tooth”.

“Many of my clients like to eat celery at the end of breakfast as a palate cleanser,” she says. “I find it can help shut off a sweet tooth, so you’re less tempted by office goodies.” [10]

This isn’t to scare you off from enjoying celery juice. If you enjoy it, there are generally no issues. After all, it’s relatively healthy. One serving of celery juice is high in vitamins C & K, and has more potassium than a large banana at 670mg.

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Are There Any Risks with Eating Celery?

In general, celery is considered safe to eat for most people. That being said, some people may experience an allergic reaction to it. However, if you have IBS, celery and its juice are high in FODMAPS, which some people with the condition avoid.

If you have an allergy or sensitivity to other plants and spices including wild carrot, mugwort, birch, caraway, fennel or coriander seeds, parsley, anise, plantain, and dandelion, you may want to practice caution when including celery as a part of your diet [11].

Health Benefits of Celery: The Bottom Line

Although it can often be neglected in the produce aisle, there are many health benefits of celery. Incorporating the crunchy green vegetable into your diet can be an easy way to add some nutrition into your day, help you stay hydrated, and may even help you control your weight.

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The post Healthy Stalk: 5 Health Benefits of Celery appeared first on The Hearty Soul.