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·In this public episode of The Minimalists Podcast, The Minimalists speak with Dr. Jamil Zaki from Stanford University about understanding and overcoming hopelessness and cynicism. Listen to the full Maximal episode on The Minimalists Private Podcast.
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Discussed in This Episode
- In what ways does cynicism mimic false hope?
- How do you find hope when you’ve felt hopeless for a long time?
- What are the surprising downsides of hope?
- Listener tip: Overthinking makes people feel hopeless.
- How can I walk away from a hopeless relationship if the other person is unwell?
- Is there a way for me to lovingly combat my spouse’s cynicism?
- How can a cynical person stop catastrophizing?
- How has social media amplified our collective cynicism?
- How do I snap out of it when I’m feeling hopeless?
- Do surveys suggest that people are more kind and generous than you think?
- Hope is a knife.
Minimal Maxims
Joshua, Ryan, and T.K.’s pithy, shareable, less-than-140-character responses. Find more quotes from The Minimalists at
- Hope is not achieved; it is buried beneath your cynicism.
- Confidence is authentic; arrogance is a fraud.
- Hope deferred makes the heart sick.
- Hope is a measure of future regrets.
- Relationships might be transactional, but love is not a transaction.
- Gasoline has never extinguished a fire.
- Judgment is a mirror that reflects the insecurities of the judge.
- You can’t rewrite the story until you realize it’s a script.
- Hopelessness clouds the mind; mindfulness clears the sky.
Links Mentioned in This Episode
- Added Value: “Hope is a knife”
- Book: Emotional Clutter
- Book: Hope for Cynics
- Book: A Paradise Built in Hell
- Course: How to Write Better
- Patreon: Friday Afternoon Minimalist Zoom
- Resource: 15 Ways to Write Better
- Resource: Clutter Counseling
- Website: Jamil Zaki
- Website: Stanford Social Neuroscience Laboratory
Follow Our Team
- Joshua Fields Millburn
- Ryan Nicodemus
- T.K. Coleman
- Malabama
- Post-Production Peter
- Alyssa Borrelli
- Matt Savidakis
- Jeff Sarris
- Dave LaTulippe
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