I Ran Home

Pierre Van Zylfeminism, Fitness, heart wisdom, Mindset

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Throughout my childhood, I was teased and bullied quite a bit. Being one of only two Persian kids at my elementary school (my sister being the other), my ancestry and name (among other things) were the source of many playground taunts. Growing up in LA…

You’re a Queen & You Know it

Pierre Van Zylfeminism, heart wisdom, Lifestyle, magic

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PICTURE THIS: You’re so hype on your own damn life. You’re doing work that brings meaning to your life and adds value to others. You go to bed every night believing that you did enough—that you are enough. You’re well rested. Hydrated. Moisturized. Mag…

My Menses does not apologize

Pierre Van Zylbody image, feminism, heart wisdom, magic, Mindset

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I bled right through my favorite pants. You know the ones—gold, high waisted, flowy, lookin’ like the sun materialized into a garment so comfortable, so capable that you never want to take them off—the ones I wear pretty much every damn day, …

On other people’s opinions

Pierre Van Zylbody image, feminism, heart wisdom, Lifestyle, magic

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What I know about confident people is this: They show up in their fullness, no matter what anyone thinks. It’s not that they don’t care what other people think, rather that they are so secure in themselves, their magic, and the way they sho…


Pierre Van Zylbody image, Featured, feminism, Mindset

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Like many young girls, I wasn’t nurtured with resilience against shame. I wasn’t directly and specifically nurtured towards shame by my parents, but when you come of age in a culture that is laced with shame around women’s bodies and sexuality in…

The Work of the Oppressor

Pierre Van Zylbody image, feminism, Mindset

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When you consider that hustling to fit narrow, reductive, and arbitrary beauty standards is actually taking on the work of the oppressor, it becomes much easier to stand in your body with autonomy and power. Choosing to look however YOU want to look i…

A woman is

Pierre Van Zylfeminism, heart wisdom, Mindfulness, Mindset

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A woman is a creature of pure alchemy. She is both strong and soft. Loving and tenacious. Tolerant and replete with boundaries. Ethereal and grounded. Emotional and unshakable. Backbone and bosom. An empath and a healer who protects her energy against …

Authenticity is the only way

Pierre Van Zylbusiness, Featured Posts, feminism, heart wisdom, Mindset

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Authenticity is a topic that comes up often in my work. It’s highly relevant to our business, our relationships, and the way in which we show up in our everyday lives. I often get asked, “How do you learn how to show up authentically?&#8221…

Autonomy: A short story

Pierre Van Zylbody image, feminism, heart wisdom

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“Damn, your hair grows so fast,â€� he said. Close to 2 inches of silver this time. It’s been 7 weeks since my last visit. Orlando has been my colorist for the past few years. I first came to see him when I was dying my hair shades of purple, blue, …