Standing ground

Pierre Van ZylKC


 On the way to practice, Coach called my daughter.”Are you headed to practice?””Yes.””Is your mom driving you?””Yes.””Will she be around in practice?”Me on the speakerphone: “I can be. What do you need?” Coach was in traffic and would be late…

Hope in a cloud

Pierre Van ZylKC


I recently attended a virtual conference and one of the sessions centered on wellbeing during the pandemic. The session organizers had participants engage by contributing to word clouds.In one word, describe how you felt during the pandemic? Not surpri…

The bright side of staying home

Pierre Van ZylCOVID, KC


COVID has induced major disruptions to my life – both personally and professionally – but trying to see the bright side. As I hold positions at two institutions, one administrative and one clinical, I am both in the work-at-home camp and the radioactiv…

Short cut

Pierre Van ZylKC


One of the biggest time saving/life hack successes our family can claim is that I cut my boys’/ husband’s hair. The fact that I do this and they are not walking around with bowl cuts or bearing deep scars of humiliation daily is a point of victor…

Turning down the dial

Pierre Van ZylKC, parenting


My daughter started high school this year, and I can’t believe I’m old enough to have a daughter starting high school. It feels like yesterday when she started first grade in a new school and wouldn’t go into her classroom out of fear and embarras…

I went to a concert and it was okay

Pierre Van ZylKC


For Christmas, we gave our 13-year old daughter tickets to a concert for her favorite band. She’s played us songs (“Can I play you this song? It is sooooo good! *insert look on my face during song that looks like a shot from The Office when a character…

I went to a concert and it was okay

Pierre Van ZylKC


For Christmas, we gave our 13-year old daughter tickets to a concert for her favorite band. She’s played us songs (“Can I play you this song? It is sooooo good! *insert look on my face during song that looks like a shot from The Office when a character…

New Year Goals

Pierre Van ZylKC


2018 was intense, harried, and a blur. There were highlights, like our first international trip to Italy in June (amazing, loved every minute, especially hiking through Cinque Terre and going on a timed family scavenger hunt through the streets of Flor…

New Year Goals

Pierre Van ZylKC


2018 was intense, harried, and a blur. There were highlights, like our first international trip to Italy in June (amazing, loved every minute, especially hiking through Cinque Terre and going on a timed family scavenger hunt through the streets of Flor…

Signs (H/t to Ace of Base)

Pierre Van ZylKC


I believe in signs.Driving home from getting the kids flu shots, we heard the song “The Sign” by Ace of Base on the radio. Whenever I hear this song, it brings me back to college Spring Break in Cancun. My 13yo knows it well from the movie Pitch Perfec…


Pierre Van ZylKC, wellness


After recovering from the the good kind of pain at the end of November last year, I developed the plain-old kind of pain that is in no way good: an intense, searing pain of a likely cervical radiculopathy that prompted me to go to the ER one fine …

My almost-teen

Pierre Van ZylKC, motherhood


“I saw J do the reading the other day at church, and at first, I thought it was you. She is becoming a young lady,â€� Maureen said to me on the sidelines of a soccer game. My daughter is 12, soon to be 13, but has recently passed me in height. She is…