The best time to listen to the universe is when you’re so lost, so weary, so bone tired and nearly broken, that the last thing you want to do is LISTEN TO THE FUCKIN’ UNIVERSE. Sometimes we feel like throwing a middle finger up to these lessons,…
Lately I’ve been sleeping in until 9—a luxury afforded to me since my 13 year old starting biking to school . I’ve been sleeping for 10 hours a night, thanks to cannabis. I’ve been taking it slow in the mornings, drinking coffee and drawing, pulling T…
Most of life is learning to heal. From the moment we’re born, we are in the process of healing. It starts with ancestral baggage and inter-generational trauma—so much that hasn’t taken place in our timeline, yet affects us all the same. We inherit the…
MAGIC IS ALIVE. Magic is a return—to yourself, to Source, to all things earthly and cosmic. Magic is deepening and trusting your intuition; it’s the way you just know, the moments when you think, “of course.” Magic is co-creating with the Universe—col…
Listen. It’s hard to learn how to love the shit out of yourself in a world that functions best when you don’t. It’s challenging to feel as though you’re enough and you have enough in a capitalistic, patriarchal society that thrives on convincing you ho…
Every morning I sit in my favorite chair, surrounded by my plants, a cup of coffee in my hand, sage burning, my phone on airplane mode. I don’t check email or scroll through Instagram. I don’t put any pressure on myself to do anything—and instead give …
The older I get, the more I physically resemble my mother. I look in the mirror, and I see her face. This is complicated for me, because, by my own volition, I don’t have a relationship with her. From my youth I remember her show-stopping charisma—her …
The older I get, the more I physically resemble my mother. I look in the mirror, and I see her face. This is complicated for me, because, by my own volition, I don’t have a relationship with her. From my youth I remember her show-stopping charisma—her …
Sometimes I just want everything to fuck right off. I don’t always *want* the drama, the stress, the WORK of having to process and manage every goddamn feeling and energetic exchange. Sometimes I want to numb and distract and cope, instead of explore w…
I canceled plans and rescheduled meetings, and it was FINE. No one freaked out. Nothing imploded. Everyone was chill about the fact that I was sick and desperately needed to rest. And yet, prior to canceling plans and rescheduling meetings, I agonized….
I don’t believe that love is all we need. I need honesty. Loyalty. A shared value system. A willingness to talk about the hard things and stick around when things get messy. I need ride or die people in my life, and that’s not just about love. I don’t …
Throughout my childhood, I was teased and bullied quite a bit. Being one of only two Persian kids at my elementary school (my sister being the other), my ancestry and name (among other things) were the source of many playground taunts. Growing up in LA…
Damnit this week has been hard. Yes, I know it’s only Wednesday—I said what I said. This. Week. Has. Been. Hard. I feel exhausted and depleted on every level. Everything is messy and in various states of disarray. I don’t have any answers, just an endl…
I hope that you’re having fun with your body. And if that’s not yet accessible to you, I hope that you’re learning to heal within your own skin—to reclaim that which belongs to you, and only you. And above all, I hope that you feel both supported and a…
Have you ever wanted something so badly, while simultaneously believing that you can’t have it? That you’ll never “get there?” That it’s just not possible for you? I got my first muscle up at 35 years old, with absolutely no gymnastics background, and …
Sunday morning, 0845, I opened my eyes and drew the curtains to wash the bedroom with late morning light. I slept until I felt like waking, made coffee, and then proceeded to lounge around in my robe and do absolutely nothing for the next few hours. In…
You’re allowed to feel your own damn joy. It might feel foreign. Or selfish. Or scarce. Or indulgent. Or uncomfortable—at first. Maybe you’re unaccustomed to joy because you’ve been steeped in shadows. Maybe you’ve seen too much pain. Maybe j…
Five years ago, if you’d told me I’d be reading tarot for a living, I would’ve laughed right in your face. A lot can change in five years, five weeks, five minutes. Five years ago, for example, I didn’t know I was marrying a sociopathic, abusiv…
Sometimes I need to be reminded of who I am. There are periods—days, weeks even—when I feel off kilter, untethered, floating above myself, wandering in the void. Lately I’ve been tired—soul tired, bone tired. I’ve felt the discomfort of being…
I googled, “how to start a blog.â€� It was 2008 and I was itching for a creative outlet. After years of building a successful personal training business, I realized that although I loved my work, I had neglected my creativity for far too long. I̵…
I bled right through my favorite pants. You know the ones—gold, high waisted, flowy, lookin’ like the sun materialized into a garment so comfortable, so capable that you never want to take them off—the ones I wear pretty much every damn day, …
“Pretty okay.â€� From 2015-2017 I traversed what I hope will be the heaviest shadow phase I will encounter—an amalgamation of my ex husband’s multiple affairs, my debilitating back injury, and everything that accompanied those traumas. It was a c…
Like many young girls, I wasn’t nurtured with resilience against shame. I wasn’t directly and specifically nurtured towards shame by my parents, but when you come of age in a culture that is laced with shame around women’s bodies and sexuality in…
The human tendency to cling to things past their expiration date is a perverse form of suffering that is born from the fear of that which is perpetually unknown—we hold on because we think we need certainty and permanence and all manner of fairy tale…
My heart, resilient and relentless creature that she is, broke and repaired herself a myriad times between 2013 and 2017. If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you probably know I was married—and it didn’t go exactly …
One of the most important roles you can play in your life is that of your own hype woman. You have to think you’re fabulous, even and especially when you’re knee deep in the messy stuff. You’ve got to give yourself compliments, recognize yo…
When you consider that hustling to fit narrow, reductive, and arbitrary beauty standards is actually taking on the work of the oppressor, it becomes much easier to stand in your body with autonomy and power. Choosing to look however YOU want to look i…
A woman is a creature of pure alchemy. She is both strong and soft. Loving and tenacious. Tolerant and replete with boundaries. Ethereal and grounded. Emotional and unshakable. Backbone and bosom. An empath and a healer who protects her energy against …
An incomprehensive list of qualities I look for in the human beings with whom I surround myself, in no particular order: Encourage me to shine—to manifest my dreams, to breathe in every moment of joy and accept that with bliss there also comes strugg…
You’re allowed to have sucky days. Despite what the “good vibes only” crew would have you believe, sucky days are normal. They’re inevitable. And they’re your gatdamn right. You’re under no obligation to “power throughâ€� …
As a business coach and lightworker, confidence is a topic that comes up in my work pretty often. How do you cultivate it? Why do some people seem so much more confident than others? What is it that confident people have that those who lack confidence…
I filed for divorce this month. I was about to add “finally,â€� but the truth is that these things take time, as I’m sure many of you know. There are papers to fill out, photos to tear, and drawers to empty. I’m starting to feel ready to talk abo…
Authenticity is a topic that comes up often in my work. It’s highly relevant to our business, our relationships, and the way in which we show up in our everyday lives. I often get asked, “How do you learn how to show up authentically?”…
Turn off the TV. Put down your phone. Pick up a book. A pen. A paintbrush. String words together and call it a poem. Slide playfully around the hardwood floor in your socks and call it dancing. Flip a record; listen with rapture as the needle circles t…
Misfit. Weirdo. Wild Woman. Witch. Some might perceive these labels as negative or undesirable, but I will take them, wholeheartedly and without an inkling of shame. I am not afraid to hold these monikers as my own, without fear—without a moments hes…
Words. And the spaces between them. Nature. Her lessons in letting go. The way she has the power to change your entire state of mind with just a sunset, an autumn breeze, a crash of a wave. Clarity. When you call upon your intuition to help guide you a…
From 2003-2005 I had approximately 3 CDs in the glove compartment of my Volkswagen Jetta. It was a time when cars still came factory equipped with CD players and tape decks. I was a 21 year old Air Force linguist in training, stationed at the Presid…