Crayola Just Released Crayons With 24 Skin Tone Shades So Every Child Can Color Themselves Accurately

Pierre Van Zylparenting


Remember how exciting it was when you got that brand-new variety pack of crayola crayons or pencil crayons, with their perfectly unused points all lined up in a dazzling rainbow of colours? You could instantly see the dozens of beautiful creations you were going to make, dancing through your head. There was one problem with…

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Memphis Dad Builds Stage in His Driveway to Throw His Daughter a Graduation

Pierre Van Zylparenting


Not all superheroes can lift airplanes or climb up buildings with their bare hands. Some are just regular dads who would go to any lengths to make their little girls stop crying. COVID-19 was about to ruin his daughter’s four-year-old dream of walking down the black carpet and stage at her graduation, but this Memphis…

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Dad Who Grew Up Without A Father Starts Basic Skills YouTube Channel

Pierre Van Zylparenting


In conversations about parenthood, much of the discussion ends up focussing on the mother’s role in a child’s life, but fathers carry equal importance. Not only do they often teach their children many hard skills, like how to change a tire, throw a baseball, or tie a tie, but fathers also are critically important in…

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How Yelling at Your Kids Actually Affects Them

Pierre Van ZylEvidence Based, parenting


Parenting is hard. No matter how much you love your children, some days they test your patience until it has worn thin. During times like these, it is often tempting to completely lose your temper and yell at them. Sometimes, you find yourself raising …

Here’s What Getting Spanked as a Kid Did to Your Personality, According to Science

Pierre Van ZylEvidence Based, parenting


In a 2012 survey, seventy percent of Americans agreed that “it is sometimes necessary to discipline a child with a good, hard spanking” [1]. Adults sometimes hit their children to punish bad behavior, and while it might appear to be effective in the short-term, there is evidence to suggest that corporal punishment is not effective…

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Should Every School Have a Year-Round Gardening Program?

Pierre Van Zylparenting


Gardening was an integral part of life for many of our ancestors in generations past, but today, most of us get all of our food at large supermarkets and spend very little time thinking about where it actually comes from, or how it’s grown. This, unfortunately, has been passed down to our children, and today’s…

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This Chart Shows You When You Should Put Your Kids To Bed

Pierre Van ZylEvidence Based, parenting


For many parents, bedtime can often be a battle. Not only can it be difficult to get your child to go to bed, but it can also be a challenge to simply determine exactly when you should put them to bed in the first place. If you try to put your kids to bed too…

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The Terrifying Side Of Kids Addicted To Technology

Pierre Van Zylparenting


In 2015, granola bar company Nature Valley created an ad in which they asked three generations of families one question: When you were a kid, what did you do for fun? The older two generations shared many wonderful memories of playing outside, building…

Family waiting in hospital parking lot gets priceless first baby picture

Pierre Van ZylCovid19, parenting


A lot of things look a little different in 2020. Planes are grounded, public spaces are closed, students are studying online, and people are queuing to get into the grocery store in the same way they did to get into a club or concert just a few months ago. Yes, COVID-19 has put a full…

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Moms, Here’s A Reminder You’ll Always Be ‘Home Base’ For Your Boys

Pierre Van Zylparenting


“A mother is her son’s home base. You are home to him,” Tabitha of Team Studer wrote in 2011. Rachal Boley, a writer at Three Boys and a Mom, reposted her message onto her Instagram and brought these words back into the public eye.  This beautiful post describes the deep connection between a mother and her son. Although boys tend…

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Dad, What I’d give if I could say, “Hello Dad” in the same old way.

Pierre Van Zylparenting


Dad’s are special, and their relationship with their children is a very powerful one. They teach their sons how to be both a man and a true gentleman. A father has the power to teach his son lessons that fight back against toxic masculinity.  A woman’s first male relationship is with her father. From him,…

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2-year-old not admitted to nursery because her deformed skull is ‘too scary’

Pierre Van Zylparenting


Every soon-to-be parent wants the same thing: to have a happy, healthy baby. News that your child is to be born with any type of physical or mental disability is difficult to hear. The tests, surgeries, and medical challenges that you and your child face are one thing, perhaps the more challenging are the emotional…

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Health Authorities issues alert about a rare coronavirus-related condition in children

Pierre Van ZylCovid19, parenting


The COVID-19 pandemic has predominantly affected older adults and individuals with compromised immune systems. Much to the relief of many parents around the world, children seem to be generally safe from severe cases of the virus. The fact that children have been largely unaffected since the pandemic began has surprised and confused doctors since historically…

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Mom of 4 Showed What Childhood Is Like Without TV and Gadgets

Pierre Van Zylparenting


Niki Boon took up photography as a hobby while she was living in Scotland and working as a physiotherapist. In 2008, she flew to China as a backpacker without a return ticket and only one hotel booking. For the next years, she visited around 60 co…

Quarantine Questions with a 4 Year Old

Pierre Van ZylCOVID, parenting, PracticeBalance, quarantine


(Blubbering) “But WHY can’t I go play with Sarah??”The extent of our current outdoor adventuresHow’s everyone doing in the era of COVID and shelter-in-place? I, for one, am having a difficult time parenting my 4 year old daughter. Overall, I can’t comp…

Why Babies Born in April are Special

Pierre Van ZylOpinion, parenting, Relationship


People make references to the month they were born in all the time to explain certain aspects of themselves. “I can’t stand the cold! I was born in July, I guess I’ll always be a summer baby at heart.” “If I had to choose snow or sand, I would always c…

The Parents Are Not Alright

Pierre Van Zylparenting


The COVID-19 pandemic has been exposing many ways in which our society does things that simply do not function. From the environment, to how we treat grocery store workers, it’s clear that when this crisis is behind us, some things need to change. One function of society that hasn’t been gaining much media attention, however,…

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Teacher Urges Parents to Ditch Homeschooling and Play Games & Bake Cakes Instead

Pierre Van Zylparenting


Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in December 2019, much of the conversation surrounding the virus has focussed on the older portion of the population. This, of course, has been for good reason- an overwhelming majority of severe or deadly cases have been in adults over the age of 65 and those with compromised immune systems…

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Raising Your Kids Near Their Cousins is One of the Best Gifts You Could Ever Give Them

Pierre Van Zylparenting


Kids who grow up with cousins have this innate sense of family over everything that no one can influence. Sure, having siblings makes up for a lot of the familial bond a child would ever need, but growing up with cousins in the mix hits differently. I haven’t always been close to my cousins from…

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This Doctor Died From COVID-19. His Colleague Shared His Dying Wish For His Son

Pierre Van ZylCovid19, parenting


Doctors and other health workers have been on the front lines of fighting the novel coronavirus pandemic and saving lives. But they themselves are not immune from the worst effects of the virus. In Italy alone, more than 40 health workers have died since the coronavirus crisis began mere months ago. [1] And Italy isn’t…

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This Doctor Died From COVID-19. His Colleague Shared His Dying Wish For His Son

Pierre Van ZylCovid19, parenting


Doctors and other health workers have been on the front lines of fighting the novel coronavirus pandemic and saving lives. But they themselves are not immune from the worst effects of the virus. In Italy alone, more than 40 health workers have died since the coronavirus crisis began mere months ago. [1] And Italy isn’t…

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Neighborhood “Teddy Bear Hunts” Give Kids A Fun Activity While Social Distancing

Pierre Van ZylCovid19, parenting


Around the world, social distancing policies have been strongly encouraged and, in some cases, made mandatory. Schools and playgrounds are empty as parents keep their kids away from their friends and neighbors to help slow the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe. The good news is that young people, including children, are…

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Neighborhood “Teddy Bear Hunts” Give Kids A Fun Activity While Social Distancing

Pierre Van ZylCovid19, parenting


Around the world, social distancing policies have been strongly encouraged and, in some cases, made mandatory. Schools and playgrounds are empty as parents keep their kids away from their friends and neighbors to help slow the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe. The good news is that young people, including children, are…

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Grandparents Should Probably Stay Away from Grandkids Right Now, But It’s Not That Simple

Pierre Van ZylCovid19, parenting


Since the outbreak of COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus, it has become abundantly clear that older adults are at a greater risk for developing a severe or fatal case of the virus. While the mortality rate varies widely per country, the global average is now over four percent [1]. This number, however, changes dramatically…

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‘Am I Going To Die?’ A Healthy 5-Year-Old Fears For His Life After Testing Positive For Coronavirus

Pierre Van ZylCovid19, parenting


The novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is completely new to us. Three months ago, we knew essentially nothing about it. Now, with over half a million positive cases worldwide, we’ve been able to come to understand the nature of the virus better than before. Most people are aware that older people and those with pre-existing…

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Deer Photobombs Baby’s Forest Photo Shoot, turns into a Fairytale

Pierre Van Zylparenting


If Bambi was a real deer, I’m sure she’d do stuff like this all the time. Everyone wants their nature-themed photoshoots to have a dash of the unexpected. It makes everything seems more… natural. A bird flying by right at the perfect moment, a squirrel…

Should all children learn sign language?

Pierre Van ZylLearn, Opinion, parenting, Personal Growth + Development


Imagine the excitement you would feel on the day your baby brother is being born. Not only can you not wait to meet them, but your head begins to fill with ideas about all the fun things you will do together as you get older. Now imagine being told that your new baby brother sustained…

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These Schools Voted To Bring Back Paddling For Kids That Misbehave

Pierre Van Zylparenting


As most parents know, disciplining even just one child can be hard enough, let alone a whole room full of them. This is the daily reality of school teachers, who have to somehow remain in control of a classroom of up to thirty or more kids every day of their working lives. Discipline is one…

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These Schools Voted To Bring Back Paddling For Kids That Misbehave

Pierre Van Zylparenting


As most parents know, disciplining even just one child can be hard enough, let alone a whole room full of them. This is the daily reality of school teachers, who have to somehow remain in control of a classroom of up to thirty or more kids every day of their working lives. Discipline is one…

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School Policy Forbids Kids From Saying ‘No’ When Asked to Dance

Pierre Van Zylparenting


The #metoo movement, which started in 2006, was founded to support survivors of sexual violence. The hashtag went viral in less than six months, and started an important conversation about the prevalence of sexual violence in our society which has sinc…

In Illinois, A Rare Bald Eagle Three-Way Couple Have Come Together To Co-Parent

Pierre Van Zylparenting, Planet


Many Americans love bald eagles. After all, this symbolic bird is the national emblem of the United States and has been since 1782. The bald eagle was chosen as the national emblem for the US because they were long-lived, strong, and majestic in appearance. At the time, they were believed only to live in North…

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Strong Mothers Raise Strong Daughters

Pierre Van Zylparenting


The relationship between a mother and daughter is unique, and incredibly strong. So much so that eighty to ninety percent of women say they have a good relationship with their mother, despite sometimes having conflicts and complicated emotions [1]. A woman’s relationship with her mother can have a profound impact on her life. Her interactions…

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Newborn Baby Stares Down Doctors Just Moments After Birth

Pierre Van Zylparenting


A few seconds was all it took before baby Isabela produced a “meme-worthy” expression that her mother could be proud of. Photographer Rodrigo Kunstmann captured the moment Isabela Pereira de Jesus, born on February 13, 2020, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, gave a long hard glare to the doctors who had delivered her immediately before. Kunstmann, who…

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