Since my husband and son left town for a family event, I spent the entire past 2 days alone with my 7 year old daughter. It’s been amazing. Thinking back, I think we have only had a handful, if that, of “alone time” opportunities since I started reside…
This Mom’s Answer to a Question on Quora is Something Every Parent Needs to Read
If you’ve ever googled something and ended up on Quora, you have likely spent a few hours of your life reading question and answer submissions, maybe you’ve even contributed some of your own insights and answers. When an anonymous mother posted a question on this site, she was not prepared for the responses she received….
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“Am I Invisible?” A Mom Shares a Powerful Story That Portrays the Importance of Human Acceptance
“The deepest desire of the human heart is to belong … to be welcomed … to know that you are seen and worthy of kindness,” Rachel Macy Stafford. Isolation and marginalization are some of the worst social situations a person could go through. The feeling that you are alone and rejected, coupled with outright avoidance…
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Touching First Day of School Photo Showing 8-Year-Old Comforting Classmate Goes Viral
Sometimes, it’s the smallest acts of kindness that have the biggest impact. It doesn’t take much to help people around you out. All it takes is a simple word of encouragement or personal contacts when they need it most; these make the most significant difference. It is said that we are not born with hate…
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Infants and Veganism: Can the two go together?
The only true “love at first sight” is the moment a mother holds her newborn child for the first time. No matter what health beliefs they uphold, all parents can agree on one thing: They want the best for their children. They want them to grow up healthy and strong. Therefore, it’s vital for all…
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Before-And-After School Photos Of This Five-Year-Old Will Have You in Stitches
A strong woman is one who’s been through fire and came out the other side, stronger and better. Well, in this case, she came out deshelled and hassled, but she’s stronger anyway. Scottish mom Jill from East Renfrewshire just had to show the rest of the world what it meant to have a rough Monday….
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Back to Basics: Texas Schools Reintroduces Cursive Writing Into Standard Grade School Curriculum
With the advancement of modern technology and the continuous invention of life-made-easy gadgets, several academic practices have become old-fashioned and obsolete. Many schools and districts around the world have scrapped handwriting from their curricula, replacing good old calligraphy and cursive skills with keyboarding proficiency. Not to mention that many wonderful outdoor activities and experiments have…
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Mommy Burnout Is Real, Psychologists Suggest a ‘Momcation’
“A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take,” – Cardinal Mermillod. Moms are arguably the most overworked people on earth, especially working moms. With having to shuttle between keeping her home in one piece, staying ahead of her children’s career, being a partner…
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Scammers are Replacing Baby Formula with Flour, Sickening Children
Baby Adeline was sick for days. The nine-month-old was crying, vomiting, and refusing to drink from her bottle. Her mother, Medline Roque, was desperate to find an answer. “She was throwing up throughout the day, passing a lot of gas… I just knew something was wrong,” she said. The sickness seemed to have come out…
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15 Apps Parents Should Look Out for On Their Kids’ Phones
On July 26th, the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office announced to the public that 25 people had been arrested during a four-day bust targeting online predators and human traffickers. (1) Sheriff Tom Knight said all of the men arrested had been using the internet and mobile applications to solicit children. Between the 25 arrested, there were 38 prior…
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7 Things You Should Always Say To Your Child
As a parent, your child’s psychological and emotional developments are part of your foremost responsibilities. Children are emotionally shaped by the words they hear and the tone in which these words are spoken to them. A lot of parents spend so much time during expectancy worrying about how they’d communicate effectively with their children. When…
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“My baby was pooping pools of blood!”
When Nicole Siew, mother of 9-month-old Nathan, noticed her baby boy tossing and turning and crying, she picked him up to calm him down. What usually helps — swaying him back and forth — wasn’t seeming to work this time around. So, she prepared some milk in hopes that it was just hunger pangs keeping…
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Breastfeeding Mom Has Hilarious Response When Asked to Cover Up
Just like many places around the world, including parts of the UK and the US, Mexico is one of those places where public breastfeeding is still considered taboo to many. As of 2014, the country had one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in all of Latin America, with only about 14% of mothers breastfeeding their…
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Genius Invention: A Rocking Chair With An Attached Bassinet
We see great designs of common household furniture all the time, some are quite useful while others less so. Every once in awhile, you get to see a piece of furniture that doesn’t just look good, but also begs to be a part of your home. Designers all around the world are always trying to…
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This Viral Soccer Game Photo Captures Co-Parenting at Its Best
For the sake of their child’s peaceful upbringing, they are skipping awkward meetings and separate outings to be a united family. Co-parenting is difficult on its own, and even more so when new spouses come into the picture as stepparents. However, these couples are aware of the fact that their children’s happiness and well-being are…
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This Viral Soccer Game Photo Captures Co-Parenting at Its Best
For the sake of their child’s peaceful upbringing, they are skipping awkward meetings and separate outings to be a united family. Co-parenting is difficult on its own, and even more so when new spouses come into the picture as stepparents. However, these couples are aware of the fact that their children’s happiness and well-being are…
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Six-Year-Old Girl Forced To Return Her Lunch and “Shame-Walk” To The Back Of The Line Over A Lack Of $2.25 In Her Lunch Account
They call it policy, but they could be more subtle with implementation. Lunch-shaming little kids could leave scars on their psyches, especially since they have no control over these situations. Six-year-old Anya Howard from Indiana went to school a happy, jumpy kid on Friday, May 17. She had no idea she’d become a laughing stock…
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Rainbow Babies: Children Who Heal Their Families of the Most Inconceivable Pain
In 2005, when my little brother died two days after his birth, we watched our lives crumble right before our eyes. My mother had still been in the hospital, recovering from her C-section. The pain we felt was physical, our hearts were literally broken into pieces, and we never thought we’d recover from it. After…
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Over 70% of Children Diagnosed with ADHD May Actually Have a Treatable Sleeping Disorder
Mother of four and creator of the Your Modern Family Blog, Becky Mansfield recently shared her experience with her child’s troubling behavior. Her son suddenly began struggling with insomnia, which she and her husband initially thought was linked to a bad case of hand foot and mouth disease. But when he continued to wake up…
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Over 70% of Children Diagnosed with ADHD May Actually Have a Treatable Sleeping Disorder
Mother of four and creator of the Your Modern Family Blog, Becky Mansfield recently shared her experience with her child’s troubling behavior. Her son suddenly began struggling with insomnia, which she and her husband initially thought was linked to a bad case of hand foot and mouth disease. But when he continued to wake up…
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The dangerous summer stroller mistake most parents make
No responsible parent would leave a child in a hot car, yet many of them are committing another potentially fatal mistake. Picture the scene: A parent straps a baby into a stroller for a walk on a hot, summer day. The sun is bright, and the infant’s skin is sensitive, so the parent covers…
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10 Priceless Quotes That All Grandparents Will Love
Grandparents are life, true love, and utter joy. While we may love our parents more than anyone else, I believe everyone has a special, completely different kind of love for their grandparents, and they have a special place in our hearts. Grandparents love with a different kind of ferocity. They usually know how to handle…
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We Need More Mean Moms
Do you think mom’s today are too nice? While we don’t need malicious parenting, are some parents forgetting the importance of teaching tough love? Many new age parents are taking on opposite parenting traits that they were raised with. It’s likely that if you grew up with strict parents who were unreasonable, made you complete…
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