Reiki 101: Benefits and How to Practice at Home

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Learn, Mental Health, Pain Management, Personal Growth + Development


It is estimated that in 2018 alone there will be over 1.7 million new cases of people being diagnosed with cancer. With this and other health complications like anxiety, diabetes and arthritis on the rise people are searching for alternative ways of relieving their symptoms. For many, the solution is to turn to medication, but this can often be very hard on the body causing patients to search for other more natural healing methods… like Reiki! (1)

Reiki is a Japanese practice that uses life force energy to relax and promote healing. It is a controversial method, some people argue that Reiki is a placebo and that it has no real health benefits. Others believe that it certainly does work, and has helped relieve them of some symptoms that they experience. The decision is ultimately up to you, below we give you everything you need to know to make an informed decision about whether Reiki is right for you.

What is Reiki and What Does it Do?

Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words, Rei meaning “a higher power� and Kei “a spiritual energy�. A Reiki practitioner will channel their spiritual energy onto their patient to promote spiritual and mental well-being. The idea is that all humans are made up of a constant flow of energy and Reiki practitioners use this energy to heal others.

A Reiki practitioner will use their hands to channel life force energy. This energy will then flow through the affected parts of the patient’s body charging them with positive energy and clearing out any negative energy. It is believed to have a positive impact on a person’s mental and physical well-being. (2)

Top 3 Benefits of Reiki

1. Improves Mood

Reiki helps with reducing stress, depression, and anxiety. Studies have shown that Reiki does benefit those who have a negative mood or are dealing with any type of stress. It triggers the body’s relaxation response reducing stress and increasing energy. (3)

2. Helps improve body aches and pains

A study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine showed that those who used Reiki to heal their joint pain had the same results of those who used physical therapy in improving their range of motion. (4)

3. Promote emotional clarity and Spiritual Growth

Reiki is also a form of emotional healing. It can improve your ability to connect with others helping you to build better relationships and be more empathetic. It also promotes inner peace and harmony that can aid in your spiritual growth. (3)

How to Practice Reiki at Home

If you are interested in practicing Reiki yourself you need to learn from a Reiki master. There are three different stages of Reiki training but if you only wish to practice on yourself all you need is the first degree. It teaches students how to give themselves daily Reiki and how they can begin practicing with others.

The second and third degree is only necessary if you wish to become a Reiki practitioner. In the second class, students learn how to replace physical contact with mental energy and to enhance hands-on treatment. The final degree is for the Reiki master, the student will often need to be invented by another master and will train under them until finished their coursework. It is important to note that proficiency with Reiki can only be achieved through practice and can not be developed solely through classes.

Where Can You Find a Reiki Practitioner?

When looking for a Reiki practitioner a good place to start is by asking friends who have practiced Reiki to see if they can connect you with a Reiki master. You can also look for a healthcare professional that practices, as of recently more healthcare institutions have been introducing Reiki into their model of care. The Centre of Reiki Research provides a list of some institutions that have licensed Reiki practitioners.

Once you find a practitioner it is important to ask them questions to evaluate if they are qualified and compatible with you. A lot of Reiki practitioners will create a brochure or website that clearly outlines their training and practice guidelines. A few questions to ask are:

Important Questions To Ask Your Practitioner

  • Do you practice every day? This is the most important question to ask! You want the answer to be yes as it will indicate that they are continuously growing their relationship with Reiki.
  • How do you describe Reiki? Your practitioner should be clear and confident in their answer. Be cautious if they claim that Reiki will cure disease or if they begin to disparage conventional healthcare.
  • What is your clinical experience? This will give you a sense of how long they have been practicing and their experience working with people of varying levels of health and wellness.
  • What are your sessions like? Before beginning, you should have an idea of what to expect. If the practitioner includes practices in their session specify that you only want Reiki in order to ensure that it is the Reiki that is benefiting you.

Remember, Reiki is not a replacement for conventional medicine. It can be used alongside them offering a more natural solution to symptoms you may be experiencing.


  1. CANCER FACTS & FIGURES 2018 | AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY (2018). Cancer Facts & Figures 2018 | American Cancer Society. [online] Available at:

  1. WHAT IS REIKI? (2018). What Is Reiki?. [online] Available at:


A Randomised Controlled Single-Blind Trial of the Efficacy of Reiki at Benefitting Mood and Well-Being

Bowden, D., Goddard, L. and Gruzeiler, J. (2018). A Randomised Controlled Single-Blind Trial of the Efficacy of Reiki at Benefitting Mood and Well-Being. [online] ncbi. Available at:


Comparison of Physical Therapy with Energy Healing for Improving Range of Motion in Subjects with Restricted Shoulder Mobility

Baldwin, A., Fullmer, K. and Schwartz, G. (2018). Comparison of Physical Therapy with Energy Healing for Improving Range of Motion in Subjects with Restricted Shoulder Mobility. [online] ncbi. Available at:


Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing. (2018). Can I Learn Reiki Myself? | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing. [online] Available at:


Your Bibliography: Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing. (2018). How Can I Find a Qualified Reiki Practitioner? | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing. [online] Available at:

The post Reiki 101: Benefits and How to Practice at Home appeared first on The Hearty Soul.