At the tender age of six, Lucas received a devastating diagnosis: a rare form of brain tumor. At that moment, the prognosis seemed grim. Recalling the heart-wrenching conversation with Lucas’s parents, French doctor Jacques Grill still feels the …
In the fight against breast cancer, early detection is crucial. When diagnosed in the early stages, breast cancer patients have a significantly higher chance of survival and recovery than those whose cancer goes undetected for long periods of time. The…
We’ve all heard the statistics that one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. But did you know that in 2012, nearly 1.7 million new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed worldwide, making up one-quarter of new cancer cases in women…
In recent months, it seems like there have been countless close calls with people and melanoma. This was the case for 39-year-old Texan mother Bethany Greenway, too, but the call was a bit too close. What started out as a simple liver spot was differen…
If there’s one activity the entire human race does most frequently, it’s breathing. And yet, we do it subconsciously and rarely ever stop to think about the quality of air we are consuming or the effect it can have on our lungs. More specifically, do a…
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. It is estimated that one in five Americans will develop this disease at some point. Even worse, several common causes of this cancer are due to bad habits that could potentially be avoided. It…
Colon cancer is a serious disease and a leading cause of cancer-related deaths. However, studies suggest that adopting certain lifestyle changes can significantly reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer. A recent study claims that almost 50% …
Sydney Towle, a vibrant Californian, was thrown into an unexpected battle with an aggressive form of cancer at the tender age of 23. Her journey began in early August when doctors stumbled upon a concerning revelation. A sizable mass lurking in her sto…
We’ve all heard people talk about the power of positivity. With a positive attitude, you can achieve anything! Likely, when it comes to cancer, you’ve heard about people who “stayed positive” and went on to beat their cancer. Many people are quick to a…
A 21-year-old man from Paisley in Renfrewshire, Scotland, tragically lost his life just days after initially attributing his backache to a need for a new bed. Gerald Green’s health rapidly deteriorated, but he concealed his symptoms from his pare…
It’ll never happen to me, thinks everyone. No one thinks about cancer on a beautiful day at the beach with no sun protection, or relaxing in a sun bed, waiting for that perfect golden glow. There’s a false sense of security. Not me, they think. I’m saf…
In a recent revelation, former Baywatch star Nicole Eggert shared her regret over getting breast implants at the young age of 18. This regret comes after her breast cancer diagnosis, raising questions about the potential link between breast implants an…
A recent report from the American Cancer Society has highlighted a concerning trend in cancer rates among younger adults. While cancer deaths have been declining overall, there has been a troubling increase in colon and breast cancer cases in this age …
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and women. Prostate is the first for men, and breast cancer is the first for women. Although the prevalence of lung cancer is nearly equal in both men and women, the warning signs of lung cancer …
In the modern era, we are exposed to many different harmful chemicals on a daily basis. Workplaces and restaurants all have to adhere to certain safety measures to ensure that workers and customers alike are not exposed to dangerous amounts of these su…
Garlic is a usual suspect in the kitchen, meaning it is normally included in a wide variety of recipes for its unique and pungent flavor. While we often consider garlic to be a spice, it is indeed a vegetable and is a part of the allium family, an…
After indulging in a festive holiday season filled with delicious treats and hearty meals, it’s not uncommon to experience some digestive discomfort. You know the drill: Bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea, and perhaps even some weight gain. …
Bladder cancer is not one of the cancers that gets very much press time. It is often overshadowed by the “big” cancers like breast, ovarian, prostate, lung, and skin cancer, and not without reason: Breast cancer makes up 12% of cancer diagn…
In 2015, the story of former model Candice-Marie Fox made headlines as she claimed to have turned down chemotherapy and cured her cancer by consuming three pineapples a day. Since then, the story has continued to circulate online. Given the claims bein…
Just because something is common, doesn’t mean it is safe. This is the case with Betel nuts, which people have been chewing in parts of Asia and the Pacific for generations, potentially even for thousands of years. Unfortunately, despite its popularity…
Your kidneys are a pair of small bean-shaped organs located in the middle of your back which also just happen to be one of the most important organs responsible for detoxing the body. The kidneys remove waste and extra water from the blood to form uri…
Many of us have either been this person or know someone who, despite being uncomfortable, in pain, or ill, refuses to see a doctor. While sometimes the problem just goes away on its own, many other times it just continues to get worse and worse until i…
Six years ago, Betty Moren received devastating news – she had been diagnosed with lung cancer and was given a prognosis of just a few months to live. However, through a combination of old and new cancer therapies, Betty has defied the odds and c…
Cancer, as a broad spectrum of disease, is currently one of the leading causes of death worldwide (1) and is responsible for 30% of all deaths in Canada — more than any other disease or possible cause (2). Ovarian cancer specifically was estimated to h…
It’s likely you haven’t heard much about vaginal cancer. At first, I didn’t even know that was a thing. Cervical cancer, sure. Vaginal cancer—what? If you understand your lady parts relatively well, you’ll be able to differentiate between your vagina, …
Colon cancer is the third most common cause of death in the world, and in the United States, it’s the second leading cause of cancer deaths [1]. Colon cancer, if it’s not obvious, is cancer of the colon, which is also known as the large intestine. Loca…
Cancer is not a word anyone wants to hear coming from their doctor’s mouth. For anyone who has suffered cancer or is close to someone who has, they know too well how devastating it can be. While there are plenty of things we can do in our daily l…
Cabbage is a member of the brassica genus of plants. The less-formal name for this group is cruciferous vegetables. Other members of this family include broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, collard, mustard, radish, rutabagas, and turnips. Th…
Flight attendants have a very important job, keeping passengers safe and comfortable during flights. Without them, flights would feel much longer and much more difficult to endure. Unfortunately, they are exposed to various hazards, especially regardin…
A cancer diagnosis is a terrifying thing, whether it’s your own or someone you love. This is why many of us do our best to incorporate as many anti-cancer habits into our daily lives as possible. A healthy diet is one of the best tools in our too…
Gut bacteria, also known as the microbiome, refers to the trillions of microscopic organisms that reside in our digestive tract. These organisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes, play a crucial role in our overall health and well…
Nothing about having cancer is fun, and that is extended to cancer treatments. They are long, grueling, and often uncomfortable or even painful. They have terrible side effects that leave people feeling completely depleted and not themselves. One of th…
If you are a cancer survivor or you know someone who has suffered from the disease, you know how terrible it is. The disease itself is awful, and often the treatments for it are equally as difficult. Though science and treatments are improving, they ar…
Pumpkin seeds are a small but mighty superfood that has been enjoyed for centuries. Not only do they taste delicious, but they also offer a wide range of health benefits. So if you’re looking for a delicious way to add a healthy crunch to your br…
Leslie Stone’s life took an unexpected turn in July 2020 when she experienced troubling symptoms that led her to the doctor’s office.1 Little did she know that this would mark the beginning of a remarkable journey filled with ups and downs,…
Fennel, commonly known as Foeniculum vulgare, is a flowering plant that belongs to the carrot family. It is native to the Mediterranean region but is now cultivated in many parts of the world. The ancient Romans supposedly referred to it as “the …
Though not everyone likes them, it’s safe to say that bananas are a pretty popular fruit worldwide. That being said, people tend to have differing opinions on when they are best to eat. Some prefer them on the greener side, others quite ripe with…
A recent study published in the prestigious journal Cancer Research has provided encouraging news regarding the potential role of aerobic exercise in reducing the risks of certain cancers. The study found that engaging in regular aerobic exercise, part…
Cancer remains a leading cause of death globally, despite significant advancements in diagnosis and treatment. One of the most challenging aspects of cancer is its ability to metastasize, causing widespread harm.1 To combat this, an ideal treatment app…
Cigarette smoking is undeniably a primary contributor to lung cancer, yet only a minority of smokers experience the disease. A 2022 study by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, published in Nature Genetics, proposes that certain smokers possess ro…