How to Eat to Reduce Cancer Risk

Pierre Van ZylCancer, Evidence Based, Heal


Cancer is a leading cause of death all over the world, causing almost 10 million deaths in 2020. [1] Although there is no exact way to prevent cancer, research has investigated different ways to reduce one’s risk. However, there is a lot of misinformat…

The Poorly-Understood Role of Copper in Anemia

Pierre Van Zyleat, Evidence Based, Heal


This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on links in this article. You have probably heard the term anemia before. Most likely, if you are aware of what that term might mean, you asso…

7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Gut Health: Recognize The Signs of an Unhealthy Gut

Pierre Van ZylDigestion, Evidence Based, Heal, Healthy Aging + General Wellness, Men’s Health, Mental Health, Weight Loss, Women’s Health


This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links. Professionals sometimes refer to our gut as the “second brain” of our bodies. Beyond just the physical sensations …

Why We Can’t Sleep Without a Blanket, Even on a Hot Night

Pierre Van ZylEvidence Based, Learn


Picture this scenario: It’s a hot night. You’re tossing and turning, the stifling temperatures making it impossible to fall asleep. Despite the heat, however, there’s one thing you can’t part with: your blanket. Even though it’s ninety degr…

Mushrooms Can Eat Plastic, Petroleum and CO2

Pierre Van ZylEvidence Based, Planet


In a 2008 Ted Talk, mycologist Paul Stamets declared that mushrooms may be the solution to a number of environmental issues facing our planet today. It turns out, mushrooms can eat plastic, clean up oil spills, and re-build our forests, among many other incredible abilities. How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World Mushrooms are some…

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The Crazy Health Benefits of Avocado Oil

Pierre Van Zyleat, Evidence Based, Heal, Health Awareness


How much do you know about the health benefits of avocado oil? For many years, olive oil has reigned supreme as the healthiest of all the oils. Experts have recommended it to everyone thanks to its apparent benefits for your heart and your brain. Then,…

Grass-Fed Butter Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Pierre Van Zyleat, Evidence Based


For many years health experts advised that we stay away from butter because of its high fat content. Recently, however, many of them have begun retracting that advice. Research is now telling us that butter, particularly grass-fed butter, may actually be a healthy addition to our diets. While butter is still high in fat, we…

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8 Best Metabolism Boosting Drinks

Pierre Van ZylEvidence Based, Heal, Health Awareness


When we talk about weight loss, the conversation often centers around food. What you drink, however, can have an impact on not only your weight but your overall health. Metabolism-boosting drinks can help you manage your weight, while also providing ex…

The 10 Most Toxic Items At Dollar Stores

Pierre Van ZylEvidence Based, Home + Garden, Make


Many of us shop at the Dollar Store because it’s inexpensive and convenient. In one place you can find birthday cards, wrapping paper, decorations, kitchen supplies, and much more. The best part is, all of it can be yours for mere pocket change. Unfortunately, some of these items come at a cost. A health cost,…

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12 Foods To Eat If You Need To Poop

Pierre Van ZylEvidence Based, Heal, Health Awareness


Constipation, or the inability to have a bowel movement, affects approximately twenty percent of the population [1]. It can range in severity and can be mildly inconvenient all the way to downright painful. Luckily, there are several foods that help ma…

9 Reasons to Start Eating Peanut Butter

Pierre Van Zyleat, Evidence Based, Heal


Peanut butter was, at one time, a staple item in every school kid’s lunch box. As adults, however, we have underestimated the health benefits of peanut butter. Many of us have abandoned the creamy spread over concerns that it was too high in fat. Peanu…

10 Warning Signs For Gluten Intolerance

Pierre Van ZylEvidence Based, Heal, Health Awareness


Gluten intolerance has become an increasingly common problem over the last decade. The signs of gluten intolerance are varied, and can often present as something else. For this reason, gluten intolerance can be difficult to diagnose. Knowing the signs …

I’ve Been Stretching 10 Minutes a Day for 30 Days, and Here’s What’s Changed

Pierre Van ZylEvidence Based, Heal, Health Awareness, Healthy Aging + General Wellness


Consistent stretching is one of the best things you can do for improved mobility throughout your entire lifespan. In fact, stretching 10 minutes a day can help you feel better both immediately and on a regular basis.  Stretching 10 Minutes a Day: Routine This routine is simple to do, takes only 10 minutes to complete,…

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6 Medicinal Trees You Can Grow In Your Backyard

Pierre Van ZylEvidence Based, Heal


Humans have used herbal medicine to treat various ailments for centuries. While there are countless varieties of herbs, we don’t often think of trees as being in that category. Medicinal trees, however, have a number of properties that can help promote…

12 Signs That Can Help You Understand Your Baby Better

Pierre Van ZylEvidence Based, parenting


Your baby is constantly trying to communicate their needs and desires to you. Without the ability to speak, however, it can sometimes be difficult to understand your baby. For parents, determining whether their baby is hungry, uncomfortable, happy, or …