Reiki 101: Benefits and How to Practice at Home

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Learn, Mental Health, Pain Management, Personal Growth + Development


It is estimated that in 2018 alone there will be over 1.7 million new cases of people being diagnosed with cancer. With this and other health complications like anxiety, diabetes and arthritis on the rise people are searching for alternative ways of relieving their symptoms. For many, the solution is to turn to medication, but…

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7 Strange Signs That You Are Spiritually Gifted (and Don’t Know It Yet)

Pierre Van ZylLearn, Personal Growth + Development


Everyone has a gift that makes them special. Some people’s talents are easy to spot while others can be a bit more complex. Because spiritual gifts aren’t necessarily a hot topic, they can make a person feel uneasy. And, depending on how you look at it, having spiritual gifts of your own can either be…

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EFT Tapping For Stress & Anxiety (Detailed Exercise Guide)

Pierre Van ZylHealthy Aging + General Wellness, Men’s Health, Mental Health, Personal Growth + Development, Women’s Health


When you start to feel depressed or suffer from other emotional and internal issues, what are some of the things you do to cheer yourself up? Meditate, binge watch your favorite television show, or talk to your family and friends. If you do, then consider adding EFT as another alternative solution to tackling your internal issues. What…

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29-Year-Old Hannah Lester Loses 100 Pounds, Shares 3 Weight Loss Tips

Pierre Van ZylHeal, Learn, Move, News + Discoveries, Personal Growth + Development, Weight Loss


Old habits die hard. If anyone knows the weight and truth of that saying, it’s Hannah Lester who used to be known as the “fat friendâ€� among her peers. In college, Hannah worked at a fast food restaurant and its convenience quickly transformed her into a 5’6â€�, 285-pound woman. However, it was in 2012 when…

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The Food You Eat Could Be Damaging the Environment More Than Car Pollution

Pierre Van ZylLearn, Personal Growth + Development


Everyone knows the age old adage “you are what you eat,â€� but with the ever-growing food industry, the environment is also being affected by what we eat. It is no longer solely our bodies that are positively or negatively affected by the food choices we have to make every day. This change in food consumerism…

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